TDMS Study 88124-04 Pathology Tables

NTP Experiment-Test: 88124-04         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                          INDIUM PHOSPHIDE                                     Date: 02/22/00
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 09:10:48
                                                     FINAL#2,  14 WEEK SSAC
       Facility:  Battelle Northwest
       Chemical CAS #:  22398-80-7
       Lock Date:  10/02/98
       Cage Range:  All
       Reasons For Removal:    25017 Scheduled Sacrifice
       Removal Date Range:     All
       Treatment Groups:       Include All
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion
                                                              Page   1
NTP Experiment-Test: 88124-04         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                          INDIUM PHOSPHIDE                                     Date: 02/22/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 09:10:48  
         B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE                        CONTROL      0.03         0.1MG/M3     0.3MG/M3                                  
                                                                MG/M3         STOP         STOP                                     
DISPOSITION SUMMARY                                                                                                                 
  Animals Initially In Study                          60           60           60           60                                     
  Scheduled Sacrifice                                 10           10           10           10                                     
  Early Deaths                                                                                                                      
  Animals Examined Microscopically                    10           10           10           10                                     
 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                  
   Liver                                              (10)         (10)         (10)         (10)                                   
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation                              1 (10%)      2 (20%)      3 (30%)                               
      Necrosis                                                      1 (10%)                   1 (10%)                               
      Oval Cell, Hyperplasia                                                     1 (10%)      2 (20%)                               
 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM                                                                                                              
   Heart                                              (10)                                   (10)                                   
      Cardiomyopathy                                   5 (50%)                                7 (70%)                               
 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM                                                                                                                   
 GENERAL BODY SYSTEM                                                                                                                
 GENITAL SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
 HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Lymph Node, Bronchial                              (9)          (8)          (10)         (10)                                   
      Foreign Body                                                  4 (50%)      9 (90%)     10 (100%)                              
      Hyperplasia                                      1 (11%)      5 (63%)     10 (100%)    10 (100%)                              
   Lymph Node, Mandibular                             (7)                                    (8)                                    
      Hyperplasia                                      1 (14%)                                                                      
   Lymph Node, Mediastinal                            (4)          (5)          (6)          (6)                                    
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 88124-04         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                          INDIUM PHOSPHIDE                                     Date: 02/22/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 09:10:48  
         B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE                        CONTROL      0.03         0.1MG/M3     0.3MG/M3                                  
                                                                MG/M3         STOP         STOP                                     
HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                         
      Hyperplasia                                                                4 (67%)      3 (50%)                               
   Spleen                                             (10)         (10)         (10)         (10)                                   
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation                 4 (40%)      9 (90%)     10 (100%)    10 (100%)                              
 INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                               
 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM                                                                                                             
 NERVOUS SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM                                                                                                                 
   Larynx                                             (10)                                   (10)                                   
      Inflammation, Suppurative                        1 (10%)                                                                      
      Squamous Epithelium, Hyperplasia                 2 (20%)                                3 (30%)                               
   Lung                                               (10)         (10)         (10)         (10)                                   
      Foreign Body                                                 10 (100%)    10 (100%)    10 (100%)                              
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                  9 (90%)      9 (90%)      9 (90%)                               
      Alveolus, Proteinosis                                        10 (100%)    10 (100%)    10 (100%)                              
 SPECIAL SENSES SYSTEM                                                                                                              
   Lacrimal Gland                                     (1)                                                                           
      Inflammation, Suppurative                        1 (100%)                                                                     
 URINARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Kidney                                             (10)                                   (10)                                   
      Nephropathy                                      1 (10%)                                4 (40%)                               
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 88124-04         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                          INDIUM PHOSPHIDE                                     Date: 02/22/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 09:10:48  
         B6C3F1 MICE MALE                          CONTROL      0.03         0.1MG/M3     0.3MG/M3                                  
                                                                MG/M3         STOP         STOP                                     
DISPOSITION SUMMARY                                                                                                                 
  Animals Initially In Study                          60           60           60           60                                     
  Scheduled Sacrifice                                 10           10           10           10                                     
  Early Deaths                                                                                                                      
  Animals Examined Microscopically                    10           10           10           10                                     
 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                  
   Liver                                              (10)                      (4)          (10)                                   
      Necrosis                                         1 (10%)                                1 (10%)                               
      Oval Cell, Hyperplasia                           1 (10%)                                1 (10%)                               
 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM                                                                                                              
   Heart                                              (10)                                   (10)                                   
      Cardiomyopathy                                   5 (50%)                                8 (80%)                               
 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM                                                                                                                   
 GENERAL BODY SYSTEM                                                                                                                
 GENITAL SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Testes                                             (10)                                   (10)                                   
      Atrophy                                          1 (10%)                                                                      
 HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Lymph Node, Bronchial                              (9)          (10)         (10)         (10)                                   
      Foreign Body                                                  8 (80%)      9 (90%)     10 (100%)                              
      Hyperplasia                                                   8 (80%)     10 (100%)    10 (100%)                              
   Lymph Node, Mediastinal                            (6)          (6)          (9)          (6)                                    
      Hyperplasia                                                   3 (50%)      4 (44%)      6 (100%)                              
   Spleen                                             (10)         (10)         (10)         (10)                                   
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 88124-04         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                          INDIUM PHOSPHIDE                                     Date: 02/22/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 09:10:48  
         B6C3F1 MICE MALE                          CONTROL      0.03         0.1MG/M3     0.3MG/M3                                  
                                                                MG/M3         STOP         STOP                                     
HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                         
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation                              4 (40%)      5 (50%)      9 (90%)                               
 INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                               
 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM                                                                                                             
 NERVOUS SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM                                                                                                                 
   Larynx                                             (10)                      (4)          (10)                                   
      Inflammation, Suppurative                                                  1 (25%)      1 (10%)                               
      Squamous Epithelium, Hyperplasia                 2 (20%)                   1 (25%)      1 (10%)                               
   Lung                                               (10)         (10)         (10)         (10)                                   
      Foreign Body                                                 10 (100%)    10 (100%)    10 (100%)                              
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                  6 (60%)     10 (100%)    10 (100%)                              
      Alveolus, Proteinosis                                        10 (100%)    10 (100%)    10 (100%)                              
 SPECIAL SENSES SYSTEM                                                                                                              
 URINARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Kidney                                             (10)                                   (10)                                   
      Nephropathy                                      1 (10%)                                1 (10%)                               
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                             ----------              END OF REPORT             ----------                                           
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