TR 354 Mouse Pathology Tables
INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) DIMETHOXANE NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 Facility: Battelle Columbus Laboratory Chemical CAS #: 828-00-2 Lock Date: None Cage Range: All Reasons For Removal: All Removal Date Range: All Treatment Groups: Include All a Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion Page 1 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISPOSITION SUMMARY Animals Initially in Study 60 60 60 Scheduled Sacrifice 10 10 10 Early Deaths Moribund 7 5 9 Dead 7 9 7 Survivors Terminal Sacrifice 36 35 34 Missing 1 Animals Examined Microscopically 50 49 50 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ALIMENTARY SYSTEM Esophagus (50) (14) (50) Gallbladder (44) (6) (45) Intestine Large, Cecum (46) (10) (48) Leiomyoma 1 (2%) Intestine Small, Duodenum (46) (8) (45) Polyp Adenomatous 1 (2%) Intestine Small, Jejunum (48) (13) (45) Liver (50) (19) (50) Choriocarcinoma, Metastatic, Ovary 1 (2%) Hemangioma 1 (5%) Hemangiosarcoma 1 (2%) Hepatocellular Carcinoma 2 (4%) 1 (2%) Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Multiple 2 (11%) Hepatocellular Adenoma 7 (14%) 3 (16%) 4 (8%) Histiocytic Sarcoma 1 (2%) Ito Cell Tumor NOS 1 (2%) Mesentery (41) (11) (49) Pancreas (49) (15) (49) Salivary Glands (48) (13) (49) Stomach, Forestomach (49) (48) (48) Squamous Cell Papilloma 3 (6%) 3 (6%) 1 (2%) Stomach, Glandular (49) (12) (48) Adenoma 1 (8%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Heart (50) (14) (50) Histiocytic Sarcoma 1 (2%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Adrenal Gland, Cortex (50) (14) (50) Capsule, Adenoma 1 (2%) Adrenal Gland, Medulla (49) (14) (50) Pheochromocytoma Benign 1 (2%) 1 (2%) Pituitary Gland (47) (19) (45) Pars Distalis, Adenoma 6 (13%) 4 (21%) 6 (13%) Thyroid Gland (50) (14) (47) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL BODY SYSTEM None ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENITAL SYSTEM Ovary (49) (21) (50) Cystadenoma 1 (5%) 1 (2%) Granulosa-Theca Tumor Benign 1 (2%) Mixed Tumor Benign 1 (2%) Yolk Sac Carcinoma 1 (2%) Uterus (50) (43) (50) Histiocytic Sarcoma 1 (2%) Polyp Stromal 3 (6%) 1 (2%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM Bone Marrow (50) (14) (50) Hemangiosarcoma 1 (2%) Femoral, Hemangiosarcoma 1 (2%) Femoral, Histiocytic Sarcoma 1 (2%) Lymph Node (50) (16) (50) Mediastinal, Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Mediastinal, Histiocytic Sarcoma 1 (2%) Mediastinal, Osteosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (6%) Mediastinal, Mesenteric, Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (2%) Lymph Node, Mandibular (48) (13) (49) Page 3 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM - cont Spleen (50) (23) (50) Hemangiosarcoma 1 (2%) 1 (4%) Histiocytic Sarcoma 1 (2%) Thymus (31) (9) (31) Histiocytic Sarcoma 1 (3%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Mammary Gland (44) (10) (40) Adenocarcinoma 1 (2%) 2 (5%) Adenoma 1 (3%) Skin (50) (14) (49) Basosquamous Tumor Malignant 1 (2%) Subcutaneous Tissue, Fibrosarcoma 1 (2%) 3 (21%) 2 (4%) Subcutaneous Tissue, Osteosarcoma, Metastatic, Bone 1 (7%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Bone (50) (14) (50) Osteosarcoma 1 (7%) Skeletal Muscle (50) (13) (50) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (8%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NERVOUS SYSTEM Brain (50) (14) (50) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Lung (50) (14) (50) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Adenoma 3 (6%) 1 (7%) 3 (6%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Adenoma, Multiple 1 (2%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma 1 (2%) 1 (2%) Basosquamous Tumor Malignant, Metastatic, Skin 1 (2%) Choriocarcinoma, Metastatic, Ovary 1 (2%) Histiocytic Sarcoma 1 (2%) Osteosarcoma, Metastatic, Bone 1 (7%) Mediastinum, Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma 1 (2%) Nose (50) (14) (50) Trachea (49) (14) (50) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL SENSES SYSTEM Harderian Gland (48) (11) (50) Adenoma 2 (4%) 1 (2%) Carcinoma 1 (2%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ URINARY SYSTEM Kidney (50) (14) (50) Urinary Bladder (49) (12) (49) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEMIC LESIONS Multiple Organs *(50) *(49) *(50) Histiocytic Sarcoma 1 (2%) 1 (2%) Lymphoma Malignant 2 (4%) Lymphoma Malignant Histiocytic 10 (20%) 3 (6%) 5 (10%) Lymphoma Malignant Lymphocytic 4 (8%) 6 (12%) 5 (10%) Lymphoma Malignant Mixed 3 (6%) 6 (12%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Number of animals with any tissue examined microscopically Page 5 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TUMOR SUMMARY Total Animals with Primary Neoplasms (b) 32 26 33 Total Primary Neoplasms 50 34 53 Total Animals with Benign Neoplasms 20 13 17 Total Benign Neoplasms 26 15 23 Total Animals with Malignant Neoplasms 18 18 22 Total Malignant Neoplasms 24 19 29 Total Animals with Metastatic Neoplasms 2 4 Total Metastatic Neoplasm 4 5 Total Animals with Malignant Neoplasms Uncertain Primary Site Total Animals with Neoplasms Uncertain- Benign or Malignant 1 Total Uncertain Neoplasms 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ a Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion b Primary tumors: all tumors except metastatic tumors Page 6 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE MALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISPOSITION SUMMARY Animals Initially in Study 60 60 60 Scheduled Sacrifice 10 10 10 Early Deaths Moribund 6 11 9 Dead 11 10 12 Survivors Terminal Sacrifice 33 27 29 Wrong Sex 2 Animals Examined Microscopically 50 48 50 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ALIMENTARY SYSTEM Esophagus (49) (21) (50) Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (5%) Squamous Cell Papilloma 1 (5%) Intestine Small, Ileum (44) (16) (44) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Intestine Small, Jejunum (47) (19) (44) Liver (49) (28) (50) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Cholangiocarcinoma 1 (2%) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (4%) Hemangiosarcoma 1 (4%) 1 (2%) Hemangiosarcoma, Multiple 3 (6%) 1 (2%) Hepatocellular Carcinoma 9 (18%) 8 (29%) 6 (12%) Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Multiple 2 (7%) Hepatocellular Adenoma 6 (12%) 5 (18%) 11 (22%) Hepatocellular Adenoma, Multiple 1 (2%) 2 (4%) Sarcoma 1 (2%) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) Mesentery (41) (19) (48) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Carcinosarcoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (5%) Page 7 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE MALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ALIMENTARY SYSTEM - cont Hemangiosarcoma 1 (2%) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) Pancreas (48) (20) (49) Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) Stomach, Forestomach (47) (47) (50) Squamous Cell Carcinoma 1 (2%) Squamous Cell Papilloma 1 (2%) 3 (6%) 7 (14%) Squamous Cell Papilloma, Multiple 1 (2%) Stomach, Glandular (47) (20) (50) Adenocarcinoma 1 (2%) Squamous Cell Carcinoma 1 (2%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Heart (49) (21) (50) Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Carcinosarcoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Sarcoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Adrenal Gland, Cortex (50) (21) (50) Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Adenoma 1 (2%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Capsule, Adenoma 5 (10%) 3 (6%) Adrenal Gland, Medulla (50) (21) (50) Pheochromocytoma Benign 2 (4%) Islets, Pancreatic (48) (19) (49) Adenoma 1 (2%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Pituitary Gland (46) (20) (41) Pars Distalis, Carcinoma 1 (5%) Thyroid Gland (49) (22) (50) Follicular Cell, Adenoma 1 (2%) 1 (5%) 1 (2%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE MALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL BODY SYSTEM None ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENITAL SYSTEM Coagulating Gland (45) (20) (49) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) Epididymis (50) (21) (47) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (5%) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) Prostate (48) (21) (49) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) Seminal Vesicle (43) (20) (46) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (5%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM Bone Marrow (50) (21) (50) Femoral, Hemangiosarcoma 1 (2%) 1 (2%) Lymph Node (50) (24) (49) Axillary, Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (4%) Bronchial, Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Inguinal, Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (4%) Mediastinal, Sarcoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Lymph Node, Mandibular (48) (20) (49) Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Spleen (49) (26) (50) Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 1 (2%) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (4%) Hemangioma 2 (4%) Hemangiosarcoma 1 (2%) 1 (4%) 1 (2%) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) Thymus (27) (12) (24) Sarcoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (4%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE MALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Skin (50) (33) (49) Subcutaneous Tissue, Fibroma 2 (4%) 4 (8%) Subcutaneous Tissue, Fibrosarcoma 8 (16%) 9 (27%) 5 (10%) Subcutaneous Tissue, Fibrosarcoma, Multiple 2 (4%) 1 (3%) Subcutaneous Tissue, Hemangiosarcoma 1 (3%) 1 (2%) Subcutaneous Tissue, Sarcoma 1 (2%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Skeletal Muscle (49) (21) (49) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 3 (14%) Diaphragm, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NERVOUS SYSTEM None ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Lung (49) (25) (50) Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Adenoma 8 (16%) 2 (8%) 8 (16%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Adenoma, Multiple 1 (2%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma 2 (8%) 4 (8%) Carcinosarcoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (4%) Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Metastatic, Liver 3 (6%) 3 (12%) 1 (2%) Sarcoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL SENSES SYSTEM Harderian Gland (48) (25) (48) Adenoma 2 (4%) 2 (8%) 2 (4%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 10 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE MALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ URINARY SYSTEM Kidney (50) (23) (50) Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic, Uncertain Primary Site 1 (2%) Adenoma 1 (2%) Alveolar/Bronchiolar Carcinoma, Metastatic, Lung 2 (4%) Fibrosarcoma, Metastatic, Skin 1 (4%) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic, Stomach 1 (2%) Urethra (23) (15) (29) Transitional Epithelium, Carcinoma 1 (7%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEMIC LESIONS Multiple Organs *(50) *(48) *(50) Lymphoma Malignant 1 (2%) Lymphoma Malignant Histiocytic 4 (8%) 1 (2%) 3 (6%) Lymphoma Malignant Lymphocytic 2 (4%) 1 (2%) Lymphoma Malignant Mixed 2 (4%) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Number of animals with any tissue examined microscopically Page 11 NTP Experiment-Test: 05038-02 INCIDENCE RATES OF NEOPLASMS BY ANATOMIC SITE (SYSTEMIC LESIONS ABRIDGED) (a) Report: PEIRPT05 Study Type: CHRONIC DIMETHOXANE Date: 09/05/94 Route: GAVAGE Time: 09:04:29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B6C3F1 MICE MALE 0 MG/KG 250 MG/ 500 MG/ KG KG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TUMOR SUMMARY Total Animals with Primary Neoplasms (b) 38 31 37 Total Primary Neoplasms 68 43 68 Total Animals with Benign Neoplasms 18 13 26 Total Benign Neoplasms 32 14 41 Total Animals with Malignant Neoplasms 29 26 18 Total Malignant Neoplasms 36 29 27 Total Animals with Metastatic Neoplasms 6 7 3 Total Metastatic Neoplasm 18 16 22 Total Animals with Malignant Neoplasms 3 Uncertain Primary Site Total Animals with Neoplasms Uncertain- Benign or Malignant Total Uncertain Neoplasms ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ a Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion b Primary tumors: all tumors except metastatic tumors Page 12 ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- END OF REPORT ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --multipart-boundary Content-type: text/plain Range: bytes 71376-71376/71376 --multipart-boundary--