TDMS Study 05031-01 Pathology Tables

                                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01                                                                                     Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                                                                               Date: 09/04/94
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44
       Facility:  International Research and Development Corp.
       Chemical CAS #:  7487-94-7
       Lock Date:  None
       Cage Range:  All
       Reasons For Removal:    All
       Removal Date Range:     All
       Treatment Groups:       Include All
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion
                                                             Page   1
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE                        CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   FEMALE       FEMALE       FEMALE                                                 
DISPOSITION SUMMARY                                                                                                                 
  Animals Initially In Study                          60           60           60                                                  
  Scheduled Sacrifice                                 10           10           10                                                  
  Early Deaths                                                                                                                      
    Moribund                                           4           11            8                                                  
    Dead                                               5            4           10                                                  
    Gavage Death                                                                 1                                                  
    Terminal Sacrifice                                41           35           31                                                  
  Animals Examined Microscopically                    50           50           50                                                  
 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                  
   Esophagus                                          (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Erosion                                                       1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                  1 (2%)                                                          
   Gallbladder                                        (38)         (41)         (35)                                                
      Cyst                                             1 (3%)                    1 (3%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         4 (10%)                                                         
   Intestine Large                                    (49)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Anus, Inflammation, Acute                                                  1 (2%)                                             
   Intestine Large, Cecum                             (45)         (49)         (42)                                                
      Parasite Metazoan                                             1 (2%)                                                          
      Serosa, Fibrosis                                 1 (2%)                                                                       
   Intestine Large, Colon                             (49)         (50)         (48)                                                
      Serosa, Fibrosis                                 1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
   Intestine Large, Rectum                            (44)         (46)         (49)                                                
      Submucosa, Cyst                                               1 (2%)                                                          
   Intestine Small, Duodenum                          (45)         (47)         (43)                                                
      Serosa, Fibrosis                                              1 (2%)                                                          
   Intestine Small, Ileum                             (47)         (44)         (44)                                                
      Peyer's Patch, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid             2 (4%)                                                                       
      Serosa, Fibrosis                                 1 (2%)                                                                       
   Intestine Small, Jejunum                           (48)         (48)         (41)                                                
      Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                                         2 (4%)                                                          
      Serosa, Fibrosis                                 1 (2%)                                                                       
   Liver                                              (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Angiectasis                                                   2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Clear Cell Focus                                 1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Congestion                                       2 (4%)                                                                       
      Eosinophilic Focus                               1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Acute                              1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic                           13 (26%)     21 (42%)     18 (36%)                                            
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                  1 (2%)                                                          
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                                                             Page    2                                                              
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE                        CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   FEMALE       FEMALE       FEMALE                                                 
ALIMENTARY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                            
      Necrosis                                                      3 (6%)       3 (6%)                                             
      Pigmentation                                                  1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Thrombosis                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
      Hepatocyte, Atrophy                                                        1 (2%)                                             
      Perivascular, Infiltration Cellular,                                                                                          
          Lymphocyte                                                1 (2%)                                                          
      Serosa, Fibrosis                                 1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
   Mesentery                                          (6)          (1)          (3)                                                 
      Inflammation, Chronic                            1 (17%)                                                                      
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                               1 (33%)                                            
      Fat, Necrosis                                    3 (50%)                                                                      
   Pancreas                                           (50)         (50)         (47)                                                
      Atrophy                                          3 (6%)       3 (6%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Eosinophilic Focus                               1 (2%)                    2 (4%)                                             
      Fibrosis                                                      2 (4%)                                                          
      Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                                         1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic                            1 (2%)       3 (6%)                                                          
      Duct, Cyst                                       5 (10%)      3 (6%)                                                          
   Salivary Glands                                    (49)         (48)         (50)                                                
      Inflammation, Acute                                                        1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         1 (2%)                                                          
   Stomach, Forestomach                               (48)         (50)         (48)                                                
      Hyperkeratosis                                   1 (2%)                    2 (4%)                                             
      Hyperplasia, Squamous                                         2 (4%)       3 (6%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         1 (2%)                                                          
      Serosa, Fibrosis                                              1 (2%)                                                          
   Stomach, Glandular                                 (48)         (50)         (46)                                                
      Erosion                                          1 (2%)       3 (6%)       2 (4%)                                             
      Ulcer, Multiple                                               1 (2%)                                                          
      Serosa, Fibrosis                                              1 (2%)                                                          
   Tongue                                                                       (1)                                                 
      Hyperplasia, Squamous                                                      1 (100%)                                           
   Tooth                                                           (1)          (1)                                                 
      Developmental Malformation                                                 1 (100%)                                           
      Peridontal Tissue, Inflammation,                                                                                              
          Granulomatous                                             1 (100%)                                                        
 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM                                                                                                              
   Heart                                              (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Degeneration                                                               1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic                            1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Mineralization                                   2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Coronary Artery, Inflammation, Chronic Active                 1 (2%)                                                          
      Epicardium, Fibrosis                                          1 (2%)                                                          
      Epicardium, Inflammation, Chronic Active                                   1 (2%)                                             
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
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NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE                        CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   FEMALE       FEMALE       FEMALE                                                 
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                        
      Valve, Thrombosis                                                          1 (2%)                                             
 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM                                                                                                                   
   Adrenal Gland, Cortex                              (49)         (49)         (50)                                                
      Congestion                                                    1 (2%)                                                          
      Cyst                                                                       1 (2%)                                             
      Degeneration                                     1 (2%)                                                                       
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation                                           1 (2%)                                             
      Hemorrhage                                                                 1 (2%)                                             
      Hypertrophy, Focal                               1 (2%)       1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                             
      Mineralization                                                             1 (2%)                                             
      Subcapsular, Hyperplasia                        48 (98%)     48 (98%)     50 (100%)                                           
   Adrenal Gland, Medulla                             (49)         (48)         (49)                                                
      Hyperplasia, Focal                               1 (2%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                             
   Islets, Pancreatic                                 (49)         (50)         (46)                                                
      Hyperplasia                                      1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
   Pituitary Gland                                    (49)         (47)         (45)                                                
      Cyst                                             1 (2%)                                                                       
      Hyperplasia, Focal                               4 (8%)       4 (9%)       3 (7%)                                             
   Thyroid Gland                                      (50)         (49)         (49)                                                
      Inflammation, Acute                                           1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         2 (4%)                                                          
      Follicle, Cyst                                   2 (4%)       3 (6%)       3 (6%)                                             
      Follicular Cell, Hyperplasia                     1 (2%)       1 (2%)       3 (6%)                                             
 GENERAL BODY SYSTEM                                                                                                                
   Tissue NOS                                         (1)          (3)          (3)                                                 
      Mediastinum, Inflammation, Chronic Active                                  1 (33%)                                            
 GENITAL SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Ovary                                              (49)         (49)         (50)                                                
      Abscess                                                                    1 (2%)                                             
      Angiectasis                                      2 (4%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Cyst                                            16 (33%)     18 (37%)     15 (30%)                                            
      Cyst, Multiple                                   6 (12%)      6 (12%)      4 (8%)                                             
      Hyperplasia, Tubular                             1 (2%)                                                                       
      Pigmentation                                                  1 (2%)                                                          
      Interstitium, Hyperplasia                                     1 (2%)                                                          
      Periovarian Tissue, Inflammation, Chronic                                                                                     
          Active                                                                 1 (2%)                                             
   Uterus                                             (50)         (50)         (49)                                                
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
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NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE                        CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   FEMALE       FEMALE       FEMALE                                                 
GENITAL SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                               
      Angiectasis                                                   2 (4%)                                                          
      Fibrosis                                                      1 (2%)                                                          
      Hydrometra                                                                 1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Acute                                           1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Thrombosis                                                    1 (2%)                                                          
      Cervix, Hyperplasia, Squamous                                 3 (6%)                                                          
      Cervix, Inflammation, Acute                      1 (2%)       6 (12%)      1 (2%)                                             
      Cervix, Inflammation, Chronic                                              1 (2%)                                             
      Endometrium, Hyperplasia, Cystic                43 (86%)     44 (88%)     34 (69%)                                            
      Serosa, Fibrosis                                 1 (2%)                                                                       
   Vagina                                             (4)                       (8)                                                 
      Hyperkeratosis                                   1 (25%)                                                                      
      Inflammation, Acute                                                        4 (50%)                                            
 HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Bone Marrow                                        (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Atrophy                                                       1 (2%)                                                          
      Myelofibrosis                                   40 (80%)     36 (72%)     30 (60%)                                            
      Pigmentation                                                               1 (2%)                                             
      Myeloid Cell, Hyperplasia                                                  7 (14%)                                            
   Lymph Node                                         (44)         (44)         (48)                                                
      Iliac, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                                  1 (2%)                                                          
      Iliac, Hyperplasia, Plasma Cell                               1 (2%)                                                          
      Iliac, Pigmentation                              1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inguinal, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                  1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inguinal, Hyperplasia, Plasma Cell                            1 (2%)                                                          
      Mandibular, Cyst, Multiple                                                 1 (2%)                                             
      Mandibular, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                             2 (5%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Mediastinal, Fibrosis                            1 (2%)                                                                       
      Mediastinal, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid               3 (7%)                                                                       
      Mediastinal, Hyperplasia, Plasma Cell            1 (2%)                                                                       
      Mediastinal, Pigmentation                        1 (2%)                                                                       
      Mediastinal, Thrombosis                          1 (2%)                                                                       
      Mesenteric, Angiectasis                                                    1 (2%)                                             
      Mesenteric, Cyst                                                           1 (2%)                                             
      Mesenteric, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                             1 (2%)                                                          
      Pancreatic, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                             1 (2%)                                                          
      Renal, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                                  1 (2%)                                                          
   Spleen                                             (49)         (50)         (48)                                                
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation                 1 (2%)       2 (4%)       4 (8%)                                             
      Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                            8 (16%)      3 (6%)       5 (10%)                                            
      Thrombosis                                                                 1 (2%)                                             
      Capsule, Fibrosis                                1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                                          
   Thymus                                             (41)         (39)         (43)                                                
      Atrophy                                          1 (2%)       4 (10%)      4 (9%)                                             
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
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NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE                        CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   FEMALE       FEMALE       FEMALE                                                 
HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                         
      Congestion                                                                 1 (2%)                                             
      Cyst                                             1 (2%)       2 (5%)       2 (5%)                                             
      Ectopic Parathyroid Gland                                                  1 (2%)                                             
      Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                            1 (2%)                    3 (7%)                                             
 INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Mammary Gland                                      (47)         (46)         (46)                                                
      Inflammation, Chronic                                                      1 (2%)                                             
      Acinus, Hyperplasia                                           1 (2%)       3 (7%)                                             
      Duct, Cyst                                       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Duct, Hyperplasia                                1 (2%)                                                                       
   Skin                                               (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Acanthosis                                       3 (6%)      10 (20%)                                                         
      Cyst                                             1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Exudate                                                       1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Acute                                           1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                             
 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM                                                                                                             
 NERVOUS SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Brain                                              (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Hydrocephalus                                    1 (2%)                                                                       
      Mineralization                                  21 (42%)     23 (46%)     16 (32%)                                            
      Meninges, Fibrosis                                                         1 (2%)                                             
      Meninges, Infiltration Cellular, Lymphocyte      1 (2%)                                                                       
 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM                                                                                                                 
   Lung                                               (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Congestion                                       1 (2%)       1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                             
      Fibrosis, Multifocal                                          1 (2%)                                                          
      Fungus                                           1 (2%)                                                                       
      Hemorrhage                                       3 (6%)       2 (4%)       3 (6%)                                             
      Inflammation, Granulomatous                      1 (2%)                                                                       
      Leukocytosis                                                  1 (2%)                                                          
      Thrombosis                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
      Alveolar Epithelium, Hyperplasia, Focal                       2 (4%)                                                          
      Alveolus, Infiltration Cellular, Histiocyte      2 (4%)       2 (4%)       4 (8%)                                             
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
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NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE FEMALE                        CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   FEMALE       FEMALE       FEMALE                                                 
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                           
      Artery, Media, Hypertrophy                       4 (8%)       2 (4%)       3 (6%)                                             
      Bronchus, Inflammation, Acute                    1 (2%)                                                                       
      Perivascular, Infiltration Cellular,                                                                                          
          Lymphocyte                                   3 (6%)       6 (12%)      4 (8%)                                             
      Pleura, Fibrosis                                              2 (4%)                                                          
      Pleura, Inflammation, Chronic Active                                       1 (2%)                                             
   Nose                                               (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Angiectasis                                                   1 (2%)                                                          
      Exudate                                          3 (6%)      10 (20%)     17 (34%)                                            
      Inflammation, Acute                              2 (4%)       3 (6%)       9 (18%)                                            
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                               5 (10%)                                            
      Olfactory Epithelium, Metaplasia                 1 (2%)      20 (40%)     46 (92%)                                            
   Trachea                                            (50)         (49)         (50)                                                
      Inflammation, Chronic                                                      1 (2%)                                             
      Metaplasia, Squamous                                                       1 (2%)                                             
      Peritracheal Tissue, Inflammation, Chronic                                                                                    
          Active                                                                 1 (2%)                                             
 SPECIAL SENSES SYSTEM                                                                                                              
 URINARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Kidney                                             (49)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Autolysis                                                                  3 (6%)                                             
      Cyst                                                                       1 (2%)                                             
      Hydronephrosis                                                             1 (2%)                                             
      Nephropathy                                     21 (43%)     43 (86%)     42 (84%)                                            
      Glomerulus, Thrombosis                           1 (2%)                                                                       
      Pelvis, Mineralization                                                     1 (2%)                                             
      Perivascular, Infiltration Cellular,                                                                                          
          Lymphocyte                                                1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                             
      Renal Tubule, Necrosis, Acute                                 1 (2%)                                                          
   Urinary Bladder                                    (48)         (48)         (47)                                                
      Inflammation, Acute                                           1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic                            1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                                          
      Metaplasia, Squamous                             2 (4%)                                                                       
      Transitional Epithelium, Hyperplasia                          1 (2%)                                                          
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                                                             Page    7                                                              
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE MALE                          CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   MALE         MALE          MALE                                                  
DISPOSITION SUMMARY                                                                                                                 
  Animals Initially In Study                          60           60           60                                                  
  Scheduled Sacrifice                                 10           10           10                                                  
  Early Deaths                                                                                                                      
    Dead                                               8           10            8                                                  
    Moribund                                           6            4           11                                                  
    Terminal Sacrifice                                35           36           31                                                  
    Dead                                               1                                                                            
  Animals Examined Microscopically                    50           50           50                                                  
 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                  
   Esophagus                                          (49)         (48)         (49)                                                
      Ulcer, Chronic                                                             1 (2%)                                             
      Periesophageal Tissue, Foreign Body                           1 (2%)                                                          
      Periesophageal Tissue, Inflammation, Acute                    1 (2%)                                                          
   Intestine Large, Rectum                            (47)         (47)         (49)                                                
      Prolapse                                                                   1 (2%)                                             
      Serosa, Inflammation, Acute                                   1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
   Intestine Small, Jejunum                           (48)         (43)         (45)                                                
      Peyer's Patch, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid             2 (4%)                                                                       
   Liver                                              (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Abscess, Chronic                                              1 (2%)                                                          
      Basophilic Focus                                 2 (4%)                                                                       
      Clear Cell Focus                                                           1 (2%)                                             
      Congestion                                       4 (8%)                                                                       
      Cyst                                             1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Eosinophilic Focus                                                         1 (2%)                                             
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation Granulocytic                 1 (2%)                                                          
      Infarct                                          1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Acute                                           1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic                            3 (6%)                    3 (6%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                  1 (2%)                                                          
      Leukocytosis                                     2 (4%)                                                                       
      Necrosis                                                      3 (6%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Vein, Inflammation, Chronic Active                                         1 (2%)                                             
   Mesentery                                          (3)                       (2)                                                 
      Inflammation, Acute                              1 (33%)                   1 (50%)                                            
      Artery, Inflammation, Chronic Active             1 (33%)                                                                      
      Fat, Necrosis                                    1 (33%)                                                                      
   Pancreas                                           (50)         (46)         (49)                                                
      Atrophy                                          1 (2%)       6 (13%)      3 (6%)                                             
      Basophilic Focus                                 1 (2%)                                                                       
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                                                             Page    8                                                              
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE MALE                          CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   MALE         MALE          MALE                                                  
ALIMENTARY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                            
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                  1 (2%)                                                          
      Artery, Inflammation, Chronic Active             2 (4%)                                                                       
      Duct, Cyst                                                    2 (4%)       2 (4%)                                             
   Pharynx                                                         (2)                                                              
      Cyst                                                          1 (50%)                                                         
      Inflammation, Acute                                           2 (100%)                                                        
   Salivary Glands                                    (50)         (48)         (49)                                                
      Atrophy                                                       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Acute                              1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inflammation, Chronic                            1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
   Stomach, Forestomach                               (50)         (48)         (50)                                                
      Hyperplasia, Squamous                                                      3 (6%)                                             
   Stomach, Glandular                                 (49)         (47)         (49)                                                
      Erosion                                          1 (2%)                                                                       
      Infiltration Cellular, Mast Cell                 1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         1 (2%)                                                          
   Tooth                                              (3)          (2)          (3)                                                 
      Developmental Malformation                       2 (67%)      1 (50%)                                                         
      Peridontal Tissue, Inflammation, Acute           1 (33%)                   1 (33%)                                            
      Peridontal Tissue, Inflammation, Chronic                                                                                      
          Active                                       1 (33%)                                                                      
      Peridontal Tissue, Inflammation,                                                                                              
          Granulomatous                                                          2 (67%)                                            
 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM                                                                                                              
   Heart                                              (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Abscess                                                                    1 (2%)                                             
      Degeneration                                     1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic                                                      1 (2%)                                             
      Mineralization                                   7 (14%)      1 (2%)                                                          
      Thrombosis                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
      Coronary Artery, Inflammation, Chronic Active                 1 (2%)                                                          
      Epicardium, Fibrosis                                                       1 (2%)                                             
      Epicardium, Inflammation, Acute                               1 (2%)                                                          
      Valve, Thrombosis                                1 (2%)                                                                       
 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM                                                                                                                   
   Adrenal Gland, Cortex                              (50)         (50)         (49)                                                
      Congestion                                                    1 (2%)                                                          
      Cyst                                             1 (2%)                                                                       
      Hyperplasia                                      2 (4%)                                                                       
      Hypertrophy, Focal                               3 (6%)       4 (8%)       1 (2%)                                             
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                                                             Page    9                                                              
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE MALE                          CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   MALE         MALE          MALE                                                  
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                             
      Subcapsular, Hyperplasia                        41 (82%)     38 (76%)     36 (73%)                                            
   Islets, Pancreatic                                 (49)         (47)         (48)                                                
      Hyperplasia                                      3 (6%)       2 (4%)                                                          
   Parathyroid Gland                                  (34)         (34)         (32)                                                
      Cyst                                             2 (6%)                                                                       
   Pituitary Gland                                    (48)         (47)         (47)                                                
      Cyst                                                          1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Hyperplasia                                                                1 (2%)                                             
   Thyroid Gland                                      (49)         (47)         (49)                                                
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Follicle, Crystals                                                         1 (2%)                                             
      Follicle, Cyst                                   1 (2%)       1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                             
      Follicular Cell, Hyperplasia                                               1 (2%)                                             
 GENERAL BODY SYSTEM                                                                                                                
   Tissue NOS                                                      (1)          (1)                                                 
      Fat, Pelvic, Inflammation, Chronic                            1 (100%)                                                        
      Mediastinum, Angiectasis                                      1 (100%)                                                        
 GENITAL SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Epididymis                                         (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Dilatation                                                                 2 (4%)                                             
      Granuloma Sperm                                                            1 (2%)                                             
      Hypospermia                                      1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inflammation, Chronic                                                      1 (2%)                                             
   Penis                                              (4)          (2)          (6)                                                 
      Inflammation, Acute                              2 (50%)                                                                      
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                  1 (50%)                                                         
   Preputial Gland                                    (12)         (17)         (3)                                                 
      Abscess                                          3 (25%)      4 (24%)      1 (33%)                                            
      Inflammation, Acute                              2 (17%)                                                                      
      Inflammation, Chronic                            1 (8%)       3 (18%)      1 (33%)                                            
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     3 (25%)                   1 (33%)                                            
      Duct, Cyst                                       7 (58%)     14 (82%)      3 (100%)                                           
   Prostate                                           (46)         (49)         (46)                                                
      Inflammation, Acute                              2 (4%)       4 (8%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic                                         1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     1 (2%)                    2 (4%)                                             
   Seminal Vesicle                                    (9)          (3)          (3)                                                 
      Dilatation                                       2 (22%)      1 (33%)                                                         
   Testes                                             (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Degeneration                                     4 (8%)       2 (4%)       7 (14%)                                            
      Artery, Inflammation, Chronic                    1 (2%)                                                                       
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                                                             Page   10                                                              
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE MALE                          CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   MALE         MALE          MALE                                                  
GENITAL SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                               
      Seminiferous Tubule, Dilatation, Focal                                     1 (2%)                                             
 HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Bone Marrow                                        (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Infiltration Cellular, Mast Cell                 1 (2%)                                                                       
      Myeloid Cell, Hyperplasia                        4 (8%)       2 (4%)       4 (8%)                                             
   Lymph Node                                         (44)         (48)         (43)                                                
      Axillary, Hyperplasia, Plasma Cell                            1 (2%)                                                          
      Iliac, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                     1 (2%)                                                                       
      Iliac, Hyperplasia, Plasma Cell                               2 (4%)                                                          
      Inguinal, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                  2 (5%)                    2 (5%)                                             
      Inguinal, Hyperplasia, Plasma Cell               1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                                          
      Inguinal, Pigmentation                           1 (2%)                    3 (7%)                                             
      Mandibular, Infiltration Cellular, Histiocyte                              1 (2%)                                             
      Mediastinal, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid               2 (5%)                    2 (5%)                                             
      Mediastinal, Inflammation, Acute                 1 (2%)                                                                       
      Mesenteric, Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                             2 (4%)       2 (5%)                                             
      Pancreatic, Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation     1 (2%)                                                                       
   Spleen                                             (50)         (49)         (49)                                                
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation                 3 (6%)       1 (2%)       4 (8%)                                             
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation Granulocytic    1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Hemorrhage                                                    1 (2%)                                                          
      Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                            1 (2%)                    3 (6%)                                             
   Thymus                                             (26)         (34)         (27)                                                
      Atrophy                                          1 (4%)                    3 (11%)                                            
      Cyst                                             4 (15%)      6 (18%)      2 (7%)                                             
      Ectopic Parathyroid Gland                        1 (4%)                                                                       
      Hyperplasia, Lymphoid                                         1 (3%)                                                          
      Necrosis                                         5 (19%)      1 (3%)       5 (19%)                                            
      Epithelial Cell, Hyperplasia                                               2 (7%)                                             
 INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Skin                                               (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Abscess                                                                    1 (2%)                                             
      Acanthosis                                                    3 (6%)                                                          
      Fibrosis                                                      1 (2%)                                                          
      Hyperplasia, Focal, Squamous                                  1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Acute                              3 (6%)                    2 (4%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic                            3 (6%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     2 (4%)                                                                       
      Ulcer                                                         1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Abdominal, Abscess                                                         1 (2%)                                             
      Face, Cyst                                                    1 (2%)                                                          
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                                                             Page   11                                                              
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE MALE                          CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   MALE         MALE          MALE                                                  
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                         
      Inguinal, Ulcer                                               1 (2%)                                                          
      Prepuce, Abscess                                 1 (2%)                                                                       
      Prepuce, Ulcer                                   1 (2%)       1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                             
      Subcutaneous Tissue, Inflammation,                                                                                            
          Granulomatous                                                          1 (2%)                                             
 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM                                                                                                             
   Skeletal Muscle                                    (2)          (2)                                                              
      Abdominal, Inflammation, Acute                   1 (50%)                                                                      
      Abdominal, Mineralization                        1 (50%)                                                                      
      Thoracic, Inflammation, Acute                    1 (50%)                                                                      
      Thoracic, Metaplasia                                          1 (50%)                                                         
 NERVOUS SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Brain                                              (50)         (49)         (50)                                                
      Congestion                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
      Hemorrhage                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
      Mineralization                                  21 (42%)     29 (59%)     26 (52%)                                            
 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM                                                                                                                 
   Lung                                               (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Congestion                                       3 (6%)       3 (6%)       2 (4%)                                             
      Hemorrhage                                                    4 (8%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Acute                              1 (2%)                    3 (6%)                                             
      Leukocytosis                                     2 (4%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Mineralization                                                1 (2%)                                                          
      Thrombosis                                                    1 (2%)                                                          
      Alveolar Epithelium, Hyperplasia, Focal          3 (6%)       1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                             
      Alveolus, Infiltration Cellular, Histiocyte      2 (4%)                    3 (6%)                                             
      Artery, Thrombosis                               1 (2%)                                                                       
      Perivascular, Infiltration Cellular,                                                                                          
          Lymphocyte                                                             1 (2%)                                             
      Pleura, Fibrosis                                                           1 (2%)                                             
      Pleura, Inflammation, Acute                                   1 (2%)                                                          
      Vein, Thrombosis                                                           3 (6%)                                             
   Nose                                               (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Angiectasis                                                   1 (2%)                                                          
      Exudate                                          3 (6%)       9 (18%)     20 (40%)                                            
      Inflammation, Acute                              1 (2%)       3 (6%)      14 (28%)                                            
      Inflammation, Chronic                                                      1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                  1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                                                             Page   12                                                              
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE MALE                          CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   MALE         MALE          MALE                                                  
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                           
      Nasolacrimal Duct, Cyst                                                    1 (2%)                                             
      Olfactory Epithelium, Metaplasia                 3 (6%)       8 (16%)     41 (82%)                                            
   Trachea                                            (50)         (50)         (50)                                                
      Inflammation, Acute                                                        1 (2%)                                             
      Peritracheal Tissue, Foreign Body                             1 (2%)                                                          
      Peritracheal Tissue, Inflammation, Acute                      1 (2%)                                                          
 SPECIAL SENSES SYSTEM                                                                                                              
 URINARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Kidney                                             (50)         (50)         (49)                                                
      Autolysis                                                     1 (2%)                                                          
      Cyst                                             4 (8%)       2 (4%)       9 (18%)                                            
      Hydronephrosis                                   1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Infarct                                          1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inflammation, Acute                                           1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     2 (4%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Nephropathy                                     40 (80%)     45 (90%)     44 (90%)                                            
      Artery, Inflammation, Chronic Active             2 (4%)                                                                       
      Glomerulus, Inflammation, Acute                  1 (2%)                                                                       
      Pelvis, Inflammation, Acute                      1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Pelvis, Transitional Epithelium, Hyperplasia                               1 (2%)                                             
      Renal Tubule, Hyperplasia                                                  2 (4%)                                             
      Renal Tubule, Hyperplasia, Focal                 1 (2%)                                                                       
   Ureter                                                                       (1)                                                 
      Inflammation, Chronic                                                      1 (100%)                                           
   Urethra                                            (1)          (1)          (2)                                                 
      Dilatation                                       1 (100%)                  1 (50%)                                            
      Inflammation, Acute                                           1 (100%)                                                        
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                               1 (50%)                                            
   Urinary Bladder                                    (45)         (48)         (46)                                                
      Calculus Gross Observation                       1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                                          
      Calculus Micro Observation Only                  2 (4%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Dilatation                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inflammation, Acute                              2 (4%)       3 (6%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     1 (2%)                    2 (4%)                                             
      Mineralization                                                             1 (2%)                                             
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                                                             Page   13                                                              
NTP Experiment-Test: 05031-01         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                         MERCURIC CHLORIDE                                     Date: 09/04/94  
Route: GAVAGE                                                                                                     Time: 16:24:44  
         B6C3F1 MICE MALE                          CONTROL      5MG/KG       10MG/KG                                                
                                                   MALE         MALE          MALE                                                  
URINARY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                               
      Transitional Epithelium, Hyperplasia                                       1 (2%)                                             
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                                                             Page   14                                                              
                             ----------              END OF REPORT             ----------                                           