Target Organs and Levels of Evidence for TR-365

Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (CASRN 78-11-5) with 80% D-Lactose Monohydrate (PETN, NF) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Feed Studies)

Chemical (Study Title)
Peer Review Date Route/Exposure Levels Study Laboratory
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
10/04/1988 Dosed-Feed
FR: 0, 6200, 12500, MR&M: 0, 25000, 50000 PPM
T.S.I. Mason Laboratories, Inc.

Levels of Evidence

Male Rats: Equivocal Evidence
Type Organ/Tissue (Lesion)
Neoplastic Lesions
  • Zymbal Gland: ADENOMA 0/49 1/45 0/41; CARCINOMA 0/49 2/45 2/41
Female Rats: Equivocal Evidence
Type Organ/Tissue (Lesion)
Neoplastic Lesions
  • Zymbal Gland: ADENOMA 0/36 0/37 2/35; CARCINOMA 0/36 1/37 1/35
Male Mice: No Evidence
Female Mice: No Evidence