Public Comments on Draft OHAT Approach-February 2013 for Systematic Review and Evidence Integration for Literature-Based Health Assessments

NTP invites public comments on the Draft OHAT Approach – February 2013. Two protocols are being released to illustrate the application of this framework: BPA exposure and obesity and PFOA or PFOS exposure and immunotoxicity. The deadline for submission of public comments was June 11, 2013.

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Comments on the Draft OHAT Approach-February 2013

Public Comments received in response to the (February 25, 2013) Federal Register Notice (PDF HTML)

Comments on the Revised Draft NTP Approach for Systematic Review and Evidence Integration for Literature-Based Health Assessments
Date Received From Affiliation
April 29, 2013 Dr. Mari Golub Univ CA Davis and Cal/EPA
May 5, 2013 Mr. Paul Whaley Independent researcher, consultant
June 3, 2013 Dr. Philippe Grandjean and Dr. Esben Budtz-Jørgensen Harvard School of Public Health and University of Copenhagen
June 10, 2013 Dr. Marlissa Campbell Reproductive Toxicology and Epidemiology Section, OEHHA, Cal/EPA
June 11, 2013 Dr. Lorenz Rhomberg and Dr. Julie Goodman Gradient Corporation
June 11, 2013 Dr. Martin Stephens Evidence-Based Toxicology Collaboration
June 11, 2013 Dr. Jennifer McPartland Environmental Defense Fund
June 11, 2013 Dr. Jennifer Sass,
Dr. Adam Finkel,
Dr. Franklin Mirer
and Charlotte Brody, RN
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC),
University of Pennsylvania Law School,
The City University of New York and
Blue Green Alliance
June 11, 2013 Dr. Nancy Beck and Dr. Kimberly Wise The American Chemistry Council and ACC’s Center for Advancing Risk Assessment Science and Policy
June 11, 2013 Dr. Tracey Woodruff University of California, San Francisco. Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment
June 11, 2013 Ms. Patricia Kablach Casano General Electric Company
June 12, 2013 Dr. William Young The Endocrine Society

Public Comments received in response to the (April 26, 2013) Federal Register Notice (PDF HTML ) and NTP Board of Scientific Counselors meeting (June 25, 2013)

Comments on the Revised Draft NTP Approach for Systematic Review and Evidence Integration for Literature-Based Health Assessments
Date Received From Affiliation
June 25, 2013 Dr. Nancy Beck, Affiliation American Chemistry Council