NTP Review of Wood Smoke

wood burning fireplace

Substance Overview

Status: Cancer: Cancer hazard evaluation for potential listing in the Report on Carcinogens (RoC)

Primary Uses or Exposures

  • Wood smoke is a complex mixture consisting of gases, chemicals (such as polyaromatic amines) and fine particles.
  • Over 2 million U.S. household use wood as their primary heating fuel; this is especially a problem for people living in the northwest and parts of the northeast.
  • Food service workers are exposed from wood smoke for cooking purposes.
  • An emerging concern for exposure to wood smoke is from increasing the numbers of wildfires, due in part to climate change.


Documents for Selected Wood Smoke
Date Document
Apr 5, 2022 RoC Protocol: Human Cancer Studies on Exposure to Wood Smoke
Sep 20, 2013 Federal Register notice requesting public comment on nominated substances

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