TDMS Study 05110-02 Pathology Tables

NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46
       Facility:  Battelle Northwest
       Chemical CAS #:  91-20-3
       Lock Date:  01/05/99
       Cage Range:  All
       Reasons For Removal:    All
       Removal Date Range:     All
       Treatment Groups:       Include All
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion
                                                              Page   1
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS FEMALE                   CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
DISPOSITION SUMMARY                                                                                                                 
  Animals Initially In Study                          49           49           49           49                                     
  Early Deaths                                                                                                                      
    Moribund Sacrifice                                18           22           16           21                                     
    Natural Death                                      3            6            5            4                                     
    Terminal Sacrifice                                28           21           28           24                                     
  Animals Examined Microscopically                    49           49           49           49                                     
 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                  
   Intestine Large, Cecum                             (49)         (48)         (48)         (48)                                   
      Inflammation, Acute                                                                     1 (2%)                                
   Liver                                              (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Angiectasis                                      2 (4%)       4 (8%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                
      Basophilic Focus                                46 (94%)     44 (90%)     46 (94%)     44 (90%)                               
      Clear Cell Focus                                 7 (14%)     16 (33%)      8 (16%)      6 (12%)                               
      Cyst                                                                                    1 (2%)                                
      Eosinophilic Focus                               1 (2%)                    6 (12%)      2 (4%)                                
      Fatty Change                                    10 (20%)      3 (6%)       2 (4%)       4 (8%)                                
      Hepatodiaphragmatic Nodule                       4 (8%)       1 (2%)       6 (12%)      5 (10%)                               
      Inflammation, Chronic                            2 (4%)                                                                       
      Mixed Cell Focus                                 6 (12%)      6 (12%)      7 (14%)      6 (12%)                               
      Necrosis                                         1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Regeneration                                     1 (2%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)                                
      Vacuolization Cytoplasmic, Focal                 1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Bile Duct, Hyperplasia                           5 (10%)      5 (10%)      5 (10%)      6 (12%)                               
      Centrilobular, Necrosis                         11 (22%)     11 (22%)      7 (14%)      9 (18%)                               
      Hepatocyte, Atrophy                                                        1 (2%)                                             
   Mesentery                                          (13)         (8)          (7)          (5)                                    
      Fat, Hemorrhage                                  1 (8%)                                                                       
      Fat, Inflammation                                             1 (13%)                                                         
      Fat, Necrosis                                   13 (100%)     7 (88%)      6 (86%)      5 (100%)                              
   Pancreas                                           (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Atrophy                                         18 (37%)      9 (18%)     11 (22%)     10 (20%)                               
      Basophilic Focus                                              1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Hyperplasia                                                   1 (2%)                                                          
      Duct, Cyst                                                    1 (2%)                                                          
   Salivary Glands                                    (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Atrophy                                          1 (2%)                                 2 (4%)                                
      Basophilic Focus                                 1 (2%)                                                                       
   Stomach, Forestomach                               (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Hyperplasia, Squamous                                                                   1 (2%)                                
      Inflammation, Acute                              1 (2%)                                                                       
      Ulcer                                            3 (6%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)                                             
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS FEMALE                   CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
ALIMENTARY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                            
   Stomach, Glandular                                 (49)         (48)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Hyperplasia                                                                1 (2%)                                             
      Mineralization                                   2 (4%)       2 (4%)                    2 (4%)                                
      Necrosis                                         3 (6%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Ulcer                                            1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
   Tongue                                             (1)          (1)                       (1)                                    
      Epithelium, Hyperplasia                          1 (100%)                                                                     
   Tooth                                                                        (1)          (1)                                    
      Malformation                                                               1 (100%)     1 (100%)                              
 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM                                                                                                              
   Heart                                              (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Cardiomyopathy                                  32 (65%)     31 (63%)     31 (63%)     34 (69%)                               
      Atrium, Thrombosis                               2 (4%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM                                                                                                                   
   Adrenal Cortex                                     (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Atrophy                                          2 (4%)                                                                       
      Degeneration, Cystic                             4 (8%)       4 (8%)       3 (6%)       3 (6%)                                
      Hyperplasia                                     23 (47%)     12 (24%)     18 (37%)     24 (49%)                               
      Hypertrophy                                      7 (14%)      4 (8%)      12 (24%)      6 (12%)                               
      Necrosis                                         4 (8%)       2 (4%)                    1 (2%)                                
      Thrombosis                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
      Vacuolization Cytoplasmic                                     2 (4%)                    1 (2%)                                
   Adrenal Medulla                                    (48)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Hyperplasia                                     10 (21%)      3 (6%)       9 (18%)      5 (10%)                               
      Necrosis                                         2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Thrombosis                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
   Islets, Pancreatic                                 (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Hyperplasia                                                                1 (2%)                                             
   Parathyroid Gland                                  (42)         (40)         (41)         (48)                                   
      Hyperplasia                                                                1 (2%)                                             
   Pituitary Gland                                    (49)         (49)         (49)         (48)                                   
      Angiectasis                                      2 (4%)       2 (4%)       3 (6%)       2 (4%)                                
      Cyst                                                                                    1 (2%)                                
      Pars Distalis, Hyperplasia                      24 (49%)     13 (27%)     18 (37%)     15 (31%)                               
   Thyroid Gland                                      (47)         (46)         (48)         (48)                                   
      C-Cell, Hyperplasia                             39 (83%)     37 (80%)     37 (77%)     42 (88%)                               
      Follicular Cell, Hyperplasia                                               1 (2%)                                             
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS FEMALE                   CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
 GENERAL BODY SYSTEM                                                                                                                
 GENITAL SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Clitoral Gland                                     (49)         (47)         (49)         (48)                                   
      Hyperplasia                                      1 (2%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)       3 (6%)                                
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     2 (4%)                    1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
   Ovary                                              (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Cyst                                             7 (14%)      9 (18%)     11 (22%)      8 (16%)                               
      Inflammation, Granulomatous                      1 (2%)       1 (2%)                    2 (4%)                                
   Uterus                                             (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Cyst                                             1 (2%)                                                                       
   Vagina                                                                       (1)                                                 
      Inflammation, Suppurative                                                  1 (100%)                                           
 HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Bone Marrow                                        (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Atrophy                                                                                 1 (2%)                                
      Hyperplasia, Reticulum Cell                      1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Myelofibrosis                                    1 (2%)                                                                       
   Lymph Node, Mediastinal                            (40)         (39)         (41)         (31)                                   
      Congestion                                                                 1 (2%)                                             
      Hemorrhage                                                                 1 (2%)                                             
   Spleen                                             (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Fibrosis                                         3 (6%)       3 (6%)       3 (6%)       2 (4%)                                
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation                 2 (4%)       4 (8%)       1 (2%)       4 (8%)                                
      Hemorrhage                                                    2 (4%)                    1 (2%)                                
      Metaplasia, Osseous                                                                     1 (2%)                                
      Necrosis                                         2 (4%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
   Thymus                                             (46)         (45)         (48)         (41)                                   
      Cyst                                                                       1 (2%)                                             
 INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Mammary Gland                                      (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Galactocele                                      1 (2%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
      Hyperplasia, Atypical                                                                   1 (2%)                                
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     2 (4%)                                                                       
   Skin                                               (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Hyperkeratosis                                                                          1 (2%)                                
      Inflammation, Acute                                                                     2 (4%)                                
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS FEMALE                   CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                         
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     1 (2%)                                                                       
      Epidermis, Hyperplasia                           1 (2%)                                                                       
      Subcutaneous Tissue, Hemorrhage                               1 (2%)                                                          
 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM                                                                                                             
   Bone                                               (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Osteopetrosis                                   10 (20%)      4 (8%)       7 (14%)      5 (10%)                               
 NERVOUS SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Brain                                              (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Angiectasis                                                                1 (2%)                                             
      Degeneration                                     1 (2%)                                                                       
      Thrombosis                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM                                                                                                                 
   Larynx                                             (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Hyperplasia                                                                             1 (2%)                                
      Metaplasia, Squamous                             2 (4%)                    4 (8%)       1 (2%)                                
   Lung                                               (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Congestion, Chronic                                                        1 (2%)                                             
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                    16 (33%)     15 (31%)     19 (39%)     22 (45%)                               
      Metaplasia, Osseous                                                        1 (2%)                                             
      Alveolar Epithelium, Hyperplasia                 4 (8%)      11 (22%)     11 (22%)      9 (18%)                               
      Alveolus, Infiltration Cellular, Histiocyte     19 (39%)      7 (14%)     11 (22%)     14 (29%)                               
      Bronchiole, Hyperplasia                          1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
   Nose                                               (49)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Inflammation, Suppurative                        2 (4%)       5 (10%)      5 (10%)      5 (10%)                               
      Thrombosis                                       7 (14%)      4 (8%)       3 (6%)       3 (6%)                                
      Glands, Hyperplasia                                          48 (98%)     48 (98%)     42 (86%)                               
      Glands, Metaplasia, Squamous                                  2 (4%)      20 (41%)     20 (41%)                               
      Goblet Cell, Respiratory Epithelium,                                                                                          
          Hyperplasia                                              16 (33%)     29 (59%)     20 (41%)                               
      Olfactory Epithelium, Atrophy                                49 (100%)    49 (100%)    47 (96%)                               
      Olfactory Epithelium, Degeneration, Hyaline     13 (27%)     46 (94%)     49 (100%)    45 (92%)                               
      Olfactory Epithelium, Hyperplasia, Atypical                  48 (98%)     48 (98%)     43 (88%)                               
      Olfactory Epithelium, Inflammation, Chronic                  47 (96%)     47 (96%)     45 (92%)                               
      Respiratory Epithelium, Degeneration, Hyaline    8 (16%)     33 (67%)     34 (69%)     28 (57%)                               
      Respiratory Epithelium, Hyperplasia                          18 (37%)     22 (45%)     23 (47%)                               
      Respiratory Epithelium, Metaplasia, Squamous                 21 (43%)     17 (35%)     15 (31%)                               
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS FEMALE                   CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
 SPECIAL SENSES SYSTEM                                                                                                              
   Eye                                                (48)         (47)         (46)         (48)                                   
      Cataract                                         5 (10%)      2 (4%)       6 (13%)      3 (6%)                                
      Cornea, Infiltration Cellular,                                                                                                
          Polymorphonuclear                            2 (4%)                                                                       
      Retina, Atrophy                                  5 (10%)      2 (4%)       4 (9%)       2 (4%)                                
   Harderian Gland                                                                           (1)                                    
      Inflammation, Chronic                                                                   1 (100%)                              
 URINARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Kidney                                             (48)         (49)         (49)         (49)                                   
      Cyst                                                          1 (2%)                                                          
      Infarct                                                                    1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
      Nephropathy                                     41 (85%)     38 (78%)     34 (69%)     31 (63%)                               
      Renal Tubule, Necrosis                           1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS MALE                     CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
DISPOSITION SUMMARY                                                                                                                 
  Animals Initially In Study                          49           49           49           49                                     
  Early Deaths                                                                                                                      
    Moribund Sacrifice                                21           22           19           25                                     
    Natural Death                                      4            5            6            3                                     
    Terminal Sacrifice                                24           22           23           21                                     
  Other                                                                          1                                                  
  Animals Examined Microscopically                    49           49           48           49                                     
 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                  
   Liver                                              (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Angiectasis                                      1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Basophilic Focus                                34 (69%)     31 (63%)     28 (58%)     32 (65%)                               
      Clear Cell Focus                                14 (29%)     14 (29%)     14 (29%)     11 (22%)                               
      Degeneration, Cystic                             3 (6%)       3 (6%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)                                
      Eosinophilic Focus                               3 (6%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                
      Fatty Change                                     2 (4%)       2 (4%)       4 (8%)       5 (10%)                               
      Hepatodiaphragmatic Nodule                       1 (2%)       3 (6%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)                                
      Inflammation, Granulomatous                                   1 (2%)                                                          
      Mixed Cell Focus                                 3 (6%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)                                
      Necrosis                                                                   1 (2%)                                             
      Regeneration                                     1 (2%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
      Syncytial Alteration                                                                    1 (2%)                                
      Tension Lipidosis                                                          1 (2%)                                             
      Artery, Inflammation                             1 (2%)                                                                       
      Bile Duct, Hyperplasia                          35 (71%)     32 (65%)     28 (58%)     21 (43%)                               
      Centrilobular, Necrosis                         13 (27%)     11 (22%)      7 (15%)      4 (8%)                                
   Mesentery                                          (13)         (6)          (9)          (8)                                    
      Artery, Inflammation, Chronic Active             3 (23%)                                1 (13%)                               
      Artery, Mineralization                                                     1 (11%)                                            
      Fat, Hemorrhage                                               1 (17%)                                                         
      Fat, Inflammation                                             1 (17%)                                                         
      Fat, Necrosis                                   10 (77%)      4 (67%)      8 (89%)      6 (75%)                               
   Pancreas                                           (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Atrophy                                         19 (39%)     17 (35%)     17 (35%)     14 (29%)                               
      Basophilic Focus                                              1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
      Hyperplasia                                                   3 (6%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                
      Artery, Inflammation                             1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Duct, Cyst                                                                              1 (2%)                                
   Salivary Glands                                    (49)         (49)         (47)         (49)                                   
      Atrophy                                                       1 (2%)                                                          
      Metaplasia, Squamous                             1 (2%)                                                                       
      Necrosis                                         1 (2%)                                                                       
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS MALE                     CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
ALIMENTARY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                            
   Stomach, Forestomach                               (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Diverticulum                                     1 (2%)                                                                       
      Hyperplasia, Squamous                            2 (4%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                
      Inflammation, Acute                                                        1 (2%)                                             
      Necrosis                                                                                1 (2%)                                
      Ulcer                                            1 (2%)       6 (12%)      3 (6%)       2 (4%)                                
   Stomach, Glandular                                 (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Inflammation, Acute                                                        1 (2%)                                             
      Mineralization                                                2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                             
      Necrosis                                         7 (14%)      2 (4%)       2 (4%)       3 (6%)                                
      Ulcer                                                         1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                
      Artery, Inflammation                             1 (2%)                                                                       
   Tongue                                                          (1)          (1)                                                 
      Epithelium, Hyperplasia                                                    1 (100%)                                           
   Tooth                                              (1)          (2)          (4)          (2)                                    
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     1 (100%)     1 (50%)      4 (100%)                                           
      Malformation                                                  1 (50%)                   2 (100%)                              
 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM                                                                                                              
   Heart                                              (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Cardiomyopathy                                  42 (86%)     44 (90%)     37 (77%)     42 (86%)                               
      Necrosis                                         1 (2%)                                                                       
      Atrium, Thrombosis                               5 (10%)      2 (4%)       3 (6%)       2 (4%)                                
      Valve, Thrombosis, Chronic                                    1 (2%)                                                          
 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM                                                                                                                   
   Adrenal Cortex                                     (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Angiectasis                                      1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Degeneration, Cystic                                          2 (4%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
      Hyperplasia                                     30 (61%)     28 (57%)     23 (48%)     36 (73%)                               
      Hypertrophy                                      7 (14%)      6 (12%)      9 (19%)      4 (8%)                                
      Necrosis                                                      1 (2%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                
      Vacuolization Cytoplasmic                        1 (2%)       1 (2%)       3 (6%)                                             
   Adrenal Medulla                                    (49)         (49)         (47)         (49)                                   
      Hyperplasia                                     26 (53%)     13 (27%)     23 (49%)     12 (24%)                               
      Necrosis                                                      1 (2%)                                                          
   Islets, Pancreatic                                 (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Hyperplasia                                                   1 (2%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)                                
   Pituitary Gland                                    (49)         (49)         (47)         (49)                                   
      Angiectasis                                      1 (2%)                                 1 (2%)                                
      Cyst                                                          1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                
      Pars Distalis, Hyperplasia                      11 (22%)     12 (24%)     10 (21%)     15 (31%)                               
   Thyroid Gland                                      (46)         (47)         (45)         (47)                                   
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS MALE                     CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                             
      C-Cell, Hyperplasia                             32 (70%)     36 (77%)     31 (69%)     33 (70%)                               
      Follicular Cell, Hyperplasia                     2 (4%)                    3 (7%)                                             
 GENERAL BODY SYSTEM                                                                                                                
   Peritoneum                                                                   (1)                                                 
      Inflammation, Suppurative                                                  1 (100%)                                           
 GENITAL SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Epididymis                                         (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Angiectasis                                                   1 (2%)                                                          
      Granuloma Sperm                                               1 (2%)                                                          
   Preputial Gland                                    (48)         (49)         (47)         (49)                                   
      Cyst                                                                       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
      Hyperplasia, Squamous                            1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     2 (4%)                    2 (4%)       2 (4%)                                
   Prostate                                           (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Hyperplasia                                     11 (22%)      8 (16%)     16 (33%)      8 (16%)                               
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     3 (6%)       2 (4%)       3 (6%)       2 (4%)                                
      Epithelium, Hyperplasia                          1 (2%)                                                                       
   Seminal Vesicle                                    (47)         (49)         (47)         (47)                                   
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                                                            1 (2%)                                
   Testes                                             (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Atrophy                                          2 (4%)       4 (8%)       2 (4%)       4 (8%)                                
      Artery, Inflammation, Chronic Active                          2 (4%)                    2 (4%)                                
      Interstitial Cell, Hyperplasia                   5 (10%)      9 (18%)      2 (4%)      11 (22%)                               
 HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Lymph Node                                         (3)          (3)          (8)          (4)                                    
      Iliac, Hemorrhage                                1 (33%)                                                                      
   Lymph Node, Mandibular                             (40)         (45)         (46)         (44)                                   
      Infiltration Cellular, Plasma Cell               1 (3%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
      Infiltration Cellular, Polymorphonuclear         1 (3%)                                                                       
   Spleen                                             (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Fibrosis                                         7 (14%)     12 (24%)      6 (13%)      6 (12%)                               
      Hematopoietic Cell Proliferation                 4 (8%)       3 (6%)       1 (2%)       4 (8%)                                
      Hemorrhage                                       3 (6%)       1 (2%)       2 (4%)       2 (4%)                                
      Necrosis                                         3 (6%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                
      Thrombosis                                       1 (2%)                                 1 (2%)                                
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS MALE                     CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
 INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM                                                                                                               
   Mammary Gland                                      (21)         (20)         (30)         (28)                                   
      Galactocele                                                                1 (3%)                                             
   Skin                                               (48)         (48)         (48)         (48)                                   
      Cyst Epithelial Inclusion                                                  1 (2%)                                             
      Hyperkeratosis                                   4 (8%)       2 (4%)                    1 (2%)                                
      Hyperplasia, Basal Cell                                                    1 (2%)                                             
      Hyperplasia, Squamous                                                                   1 (2%)                                
      Inflammation, Acute                                           1 (2%)                                                          
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     4 (8%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Epithelium, Hyperplasia, Basal Cell              1 (2%)                                                                       
 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM                                                                                                             
   Bone                                               (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Osteopetrosis                                                              1 (2%)                                             
 NERVOUS SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Brain                                              (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Degeneration                                     1 (2%)                    1 (2%)                                             
      Necrosis                                                                   1 (2%)                                             
      Artery, Inflammation                             1 (2%)                                                                       
 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM                                                                                                                 
   Larynx                                             (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Metaplasia, Squamous                                          1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                             
   Lung                                               (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Cyst, Squamous                                                1 (2%)                                                          
      Foreign Body                                     1 (2%)                                 1 (2%)                                
      Hemorrhage                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inflammation, Chronic Active                     2 (4%)      13 (27%)      6 (13%)     15 (31%)                               
      Inflammation, Granulomatous                      1 (2%)                                 1 (2%)                                
      Inflammation, Suppurative                                     1 (2%)                                                          
      Metaplasia, Osseous                              1 (2%)                                                                       
      Thrombosis                                       1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
      Alveolar Epithelium, Hyperplasia                23 (47%)     12 (24%)      9 (19%)     16 (33%)                               
      Alveolar Epithelium, Metaplasia                  1 (2%)                                                                       
      Alveolus, Infiltration Cellular, Histiocyte     12 (24%)      9 (18%)      6 (13%)     15 (31%)                               
      Bronchiole, Hyperplasia                          1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                                          
   Nose                                               (49)         (49)         (48)         (48)                                   
      Foreign Body                                     1 (2%)                                                                       
      Inflammation, Suppurative                       12 (24%)     18 (37%)     16 (33%)      9 (19%)                               
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
NTP Experiment-Test: 05110-02         INCIDENCE RATES OF NONNEOPLASTIC LESIONS BY ANATOMIC SITE (a)               Report: PEIRPT03
Study Type: CHRONIC                                            NAPHTHALENE                                        Date: 02/18/00  
Route: RESPIRATORY EXPOSURE WHOLE BODY                                                                            Time: 12:59:46  
         FISCHER 344 RATS MALE                     CONTROL      10 PPM       30 PPM       60 PPM                                    
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - CONT                                                                                                           
      Thrombosis                                       6 (12%)      7 (14%)      6 (13%)      3 (6%)                                
      Glands, Hyperplasia                              1 (2%)      49 (100%)    48 (100%)    48 (100%)                              
      Glands, Metaplasia, Squamous                                  3 (6%)      14 (29%)     26 (54%)                               
      Goblet Cell, Respiratory Epithelium,                                                                                          
          Hyperplasia                                              25 (51%)     29 (60%)     26 (54%)                               
      Olfactory Epithelium, Atrophy                    3 (6%)      49 (100%)    48 (100%)    47 (98%)                               
      Olfactory Epithelium, Degeneration, Hyaline      3 (6%)      45 (92%)     40 (83%)     38 (79%)                               
      Olfactory Epithelium, Hyperplasia, Atypical                  48 (98%)     45 (94%)     46 (96%)                               
      Olfactory Epithelium, Inflammation, Chronic                  49 (100%)    48 (100%)    48 (100%)                              
      Respiratory Epithelium, Degeneration, Hyaline                20 (41%)     19 (40%)     19 (40%)                               
      Respiratory Epithelium, Hyperplasia              3 (6%)      21 (43%)     29 (60%)     29 (60%)                               
      Respiratory Epithelium, Metaplasia, Squamous                 15 (31%)     23 (48%)     18 (38%)                               
   Trachea                                            (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Inflammation, Suppurative                                                  1 (2%)                                             
 SPECIAL SENSES SYSTEM                                                                                                              
   Eye                                                (48)         (48)         (48)         (48)                                   
      Cataract                                         4 (8%)       2 (4%)       1 (2%)       3 (6%)                                
      Hemorrhage                                                                              1 (2%)                                
      Inflammation, Suppurative                        1 (2%)                                                                       
      Retina, Atrophy                                  2 (4%)       1 (2%)       1 (2%)       2 (4%)                                
 URINARY SYSTEM                                                                                                                     
   Kidney                                             (49)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Infarct                                          3 (6%)                    1 (2%)       3 (6%)                                
      Inflammation, Suppurative                                                               1 (2%)                                
      Metaplasia, Osseous                                                        1 (2%)                                             
      Nephropathy                                     43 (88%)     44 (90%)     45 (94%)     43 (88%)                               
      Renal Tubule, Hyperplasia                                                  1 (2%)       1 (2%)                                
   Urinary Bladder                                    (48)         (49)         (48)         (49)                                   
      Hemorrhage                                       1 (2%)                                                                       
      Transitional Epithelium, Hyperplasia                                                    1 (2%)                                
a  Number of animals examined microscopically at site and number of animals with lesion                                             
                             ----------              END OF REPORT             ----------                                           