p-Anisidine hydrochloride: Target Organs and Levels of Evidence for TR-116

Bioassay of p-Anisidine Hydrochloride for Possible Carcinogenicity (CASRN 20265-97-8)

Chemical (Study Title)
Peer Review Date Route/Exposure Levels Study Laboratory
p-Anisidine hydrochloride
04/26/1978 Dosed-Feed
R: 0,.3,.6, M: 0,.5,1.0 %/55 PER GROUP
T.S.I. Mason Laboratories, Inc.

Levels of Evidence

Male Rats: Equivocal
Type Organ/Tissue (Lesion)
Neoplastic Lesions
  • Preputial Gland: (ADENOMA OR CARCINOMA)
Female Rats: Negative
Male Mice: Negative
Female Mice: Negative