4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride: Target Organs and Levels of Evidence for TR-165

Bioassay of 4-Chloro-o-toluidine Hydrochloride for Possible Carcinogenicity (CASRN 3165-93-3)

Chemical (Study Title)
Peer Review Date Route/Exposure Levels Study Laboratory
4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride
12/13/1978 Dosed-Feed
R&FM: 0,1250,5000, MM: 0,3750,15000 PPM/50 PER GROUP
Frederick Cancer Research Facility

Levels of Evidence

Male Rats: Negative
Female Rats: Negative
Male Mice: Positive
Type Organ/Tissue (Lesion)
Neoplastic Lesions
  • Vascular System (Unspecified): HEMANGIOSARCOMA
Female Mice: Positive
Type Organ/Tissue (Lesion)
Neoplastic Lesions
  • Vascular System (Unspecified): HEMANGIOSARCOMA