Target Organs and Levels of Evidence for TR-505

Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Citral (Microencapsulated) (CASRN 5392-40-5) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Feed Studies)

Chemical (Study Title)
Peer Review Date Route/Exposure Levels Study Laboratory
05/03/2001 Microencapsulation in Feed
R: 0 (UNTREATED), 0 (VEHICLE), 1000, 2000, OR 4000 PPM M: 0 (UNTREATED), 0 (VEHICLE), 500, 1000, OR 2000 PPM
Battelle Columbus Laboratory

Levels of Evidence

Male Rats: No Evidence
Female Rats: No Evidence
Male Mice: No Evidence
Female Mice: Equivocal Evidence
Type Organ/Tissue (Lesion)
Neoplastic Lesions
  • Hematopoietic System: MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA 3/49 5/50 9/50 12/50