Pentaerythritol triacrylate: Target Organs and Levels of Evidence for GMM-04

Toxicology Studies of Pentaerythritol Triacrylate (Technical Grade) (CASRN 3524-68-3) in F344/N Rats, B6C3F1 Mice, and Genetically Modified (FVB Tg.AC Hemizygous) Mice (Dermal Studies)

Chemical (Study Title)
Peer Review DateRoute/Exposure LevelsStudy Laboratory
Pentaerythritol triacrylate
09/06/2002Topical Application
0, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, or 12 mg/kg; 15/sex/dose
Battelle Columbus Laboratory

Levels of evidence information for toxicology and genetic toxicology studies of Pentaerythritol Triacrylate (Technical Grade) in Tg.AC Hemizygous Mice
Male Tg.AC Hemizygous MiceFemale Tg.AC Hemizygous Mice
26 Weeks26 Weeks
Neoplastic Lesions
  • Skin (site of application): squamous cell papilloma (1/15, 0/15, 4/15, 15/15, 15/15, 13/15); squamous cell carcinoma (0/15, 0/15, 0/15, 2/15, 0/15, 3/15)
  • Skin (site of application): squamous cell papilloma (0/15, 0/15, 1/15, 10/15, 12/15, 13/15)
Non-Neoplastic Lesions
  • Skin (site of application): hyperkeratosis; inflammation, chronic active; epidermis, hyperplasia
  • All organs: myelodysplasia
  • Skin (site of application): hyperkeratosis; inflammation, chronic active; epidermis, hyperplasia