What We Study

Scientist in safety gear examining a petri dish


Since its founding in 1978, NTP has studied almost 3,000 substances for a variety of health-related effects. We use a variety of approaches, including in vitro and in vivo studies, literature-based analysis, and computational models.

What We Study

Highlighted Research Topics

Notable substances, exposures, and mixtures that have recently been studied by NTP. Go

Health Effects Assessments

Learn how NTP is evaluating and integrating different types of evidence to inform public health decisions on effects from environmental exposures. Go

Testing Program

Learn about the in vivo and in vitro study types used by NTP researchers and scientists. Go

New Approach Methodologies

NICEATM: Alternative Methods

Learn how NTP supports the development and evaluation of new, revised, or alternative methods to identify hazardous substances. Go


Learn about this interagency initiative to develop new ways to rapidly test whether substances have the potential to adversely affect human health. Go

Emerging Issues Coordination


Coordination of federal efforts related to the potential human health impacts of 6PPD-Q Go