Applied Toxicological Research

Male and female scientists using microscopes in laboratory


NTP evaluates substances and circumstances for a variety of cancer and noncancer health-related effects, usually (but not always) using rodent models. Listed below are the most widely used NTP test methods and protocols. You can see reports and summaries of NTP studies, including carcinogenicity and effects on development and reproduction, by visiting the publications section of this website.

Study Types


Learn how toxicology and carcinogenicity studies are being used to better understand the potential toxic effects of the substances we study. Go

Alternative Testing Models

Learn about our efforts to develop testing alternatives for toxicological research that will reduce, replace, or refine animal use. Go

Chemical Disposition & Toxicokinetics

Learn about chemical disposition and toxicokinetic studies. Go

Developmental & Reproductive Toxicity

Learn about prenatal developmental toxicity, modified one-generation, and reproductive studies. Go

Genetic Toxicology

Learn about the in vitro and in vivo tests used to evaluate the potential of substances to damage DNA. Go


Learn about the techniques used for evaluating the potential of substances to damage the immune system. Go


Learn about in vitro and in vivo models to evaluate potential neurotoxicants. Go