NTP Review of Halogenated Flame Retardants

chair burning

Substance Overview

Halogenated flame retardants encompass a large group of bromine or chlorine-containing chemicals that all share a similar function (i.e., fire retardation). Apart from containing one or more halogens, these chemicals can significantly differ in their physical, structural, and chemical properties.

Status: Cancer: Cancer hazard evaluation for potential listing in the Report on Carcinogens (RoC)

Primary Uses or Exposures

  • Halogenated flame retardants have been applied to numerous products, including furniture, mattresses, carpets, electronic devices, building and construction materials, and transportation products.
  • Exposure to halogenated flame retardants can occur through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal routes.
  • Halogenated flame retardants are widely detected in human biological sampling due to continued exposure to contaminated product, their persistence in the environment, long half-lives in humans, and an expanded list of replacement flame retardant chemicals.
  • Certain occupations, including firefighting, manufacturing, construction, and service industries, may be exposed to higher concentrations of halogenated flame retardants than the general population.


Documents for Selected Halogenated Flame Retardants
Date Document
Jan 31, 2025 Protocol for the Cancer Hazard Evaluation of Organohalogen Flame Retardants: Human Cancer and Experimental Animal Cancer Studies
Oct 7, 2015 Federal Register notice requesting public comment on nominated substances 

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