Additional Resources

List of commonly used NTP resources
Title Description
BMDExpress Software for analyzing genomic dose response data.
Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS) Data and summaries from over 2,000 NTP studies.
Comptox Tools and Resources Tools for visualizing Tox21 quantitative HTS (qHTS) 10K library data.
Developmental NeuroToxicity Data Integration and Visualization Enabling Resource (DNT-DIVER) A tool to analyze, compare, and visualize multiple DNT assays.
Dextr: Semi-automated Data Extraction Tool A semi-automated, web-based, data-extraction tool used for extracting data in literature reviews.
Digitized Atlas of Mouse Liver Lesions High-quality images and descriptions of liver lesions in test mice.
DrugMatrix/ToxFX Links to tools for accessing toxicogenomic reference resources and creating fully annotated reports.
Health Assessment Collaborative (HAWC) A tool to store, display, and synthesize multiple data sources pertaining to chemical health effects.
Historical Controls Growth, survival, and cancer-incidence data from NTP control rodent studies.
Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE) High-quality data pertaining to new methods for assessing chemical safety.
Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas High-quality images and descriptions of nonneoplastic lesions in rodents.
NTP Archives Research specimens and supporting data from over 2,000 NTP studies.
Organ Sites Associated with Neoplasia Test articles associated with site-specific neoplasia.
Report on Carcinogens Data Exploration Dashboard A tool to navigate information on the 15th RoC.
Resources for Alternative Test Method Developers Data and information pertaining to alternative test method development.
Substance Search The Substance Search displays testing status pages for all substances studied by NTP.
Technical Reports Index Peer-reviewed technical reports including carcinogenicity conclusions.