Additional Resources
Title | Description |
BMDExpress | Software for analyzing genomic dose response data. |
Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS) | Data and summaries from over 2,000 NTP studies. |
Comptox Tools and Resources | Tools for visualizing Tox21 quantitative HTS (qHTS) 10K library data. |
Developmental NeuroToxicity Data Integration and Visualization Enabling Resource (DNT-DIVER) | A tool to analyze, compare, and visualize multiple DNT assays. |
Dextr: Semi-automated Data Extraction Tool | A semi-automated, web-based, data-extraction tool used for extracting data in literature reviews. |
Digitized Atlas of Mouse Liver Lesions | High-quality images and descriptions of liver lesions in test mice. |
DrugMatrix/ToxFX | Links to tools for accessing toxicogenomic reference resources and creating fully annotated reports. |
Health Assessment Collaborative (HAWC) | A tool to store, display, and synthesize multiple data sources pertaining to chemical health effects. |
Historical Controls | Growth, survival, and cancer-incidence data from NTP control rodent studies. |
Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE) | High-quality data pertaining to new methods for assessing chemical safety. |
Nonneoplastic Lesion Atlas | High-quality images and descriptions of nonneoplastic lesions in rodents. |
NTP Archives | Research specimens and supporting data from over 2,000 NTP studies. |
Organ Sites Associated with Neoplasia | Test articles associated with site-specific neoplasia. |
Report on Carcinogens Data Exploration Dashboard | A tool to navigate information on the 15th RoC. |
Resources for Alternative Test Method Developers | Data and information pertaining to alternative test method development. |
Substance Search | The Substance Search displays testing status pages for all substances studied by NTP. |
Technical Reports Index | Peer-reviewed technical reports including carcinogenicity conclusions. |