Mapping of Tox21/ToxCast assays onto characteristics of cancer
Carcinogenesis is a multistep process in which healthy cells acquire properties that allow them to form tumors or malignant cancers. The concept of key characteristics of carcinogens has been developed to describe 10 properties that are shared by viruses and chemicals that induce human cancers, properties that can encompass various mechanistic endpoints. Mapping these characteristics onto assays used in the Tox21/ToxCast program could be instrumental in developing new approach methodologies (NAMs) for carcinogenicity, defining associated mechanisms, and identifying data gaps in carcinogenicity. To develop a consensus mapping of key characteristics of carcinogens onto Tox21/ToxCast assays,NIEHS organized a working group including scientists from EPA, NIEHS, and collaborating organizations. The working group started meeting in September 2023 and is currently engaged in annotating and reviewing assay annotations, which will consider data available in a new release of InvitroDB. The final mapping is anticipated to be completed in 2024 and will be available in an upcoming release of the Integrated Chemical Environment.