Completed Evaluations

The substances and topics listed below have been evaluated by NTP. Recently completed reports or topics of greater current relevance are highlighted.

Highlighted Evaluations

Biocides & Potential Respiratory Health Outcomes

Scoping review to systematically map the evidence of respiratory effects associated with exposure to biocides used as hard surface disinfectants. Go

Bisphenol A Structural Analogues

Scoping review of the biological activity of BPA analogues. Go

Cancer Chemotherapy Use During Pregnancy

NTP monograph on developmental effects and pregnancy outcomes associated with cancer chemotherapy use during pregnancy. Go

Fluoride Exposure: Neurodevelopment and Cognition

NTP evaluated the evidence that fluoride exposure is associated with neurodevelopment and cognition GO

Folic Acid

NTP monograph on identifying research needs for assessing safe use of high intakes of folic acid. Go


NTP monograph on health effects of low-level lead. Go

Mountaintop Removal Mining

Systematic review to evaluate the evidence of community health impacts of mountaintop removal mining. Go

Neonicotinoid Pesticides & Adverse Health Outcomes

Scoping review to systematically map the evidence of the association between neonicotinoid pesticides and adverse health outcomes. Go

Occupational Exposure to Cancer Chemotherapy Agents

Systematic review of the published studies of occupational exposure to cancer chemotherapy agents. Go

Organotin Exposure: Levels in Danish Women

Pilot study to collect data on organotin and total tin levels among Danish women of reproductive age. Go

Parkinson's Disease: Associations with Environmental Exposures

Scoping review to systematically map the evidence of the association between exposures to environmental chemicals and Parkinson's Disease. Go

Perfluorooctanoic acid & Perfluorooctane Sulfonate

NTP monograph on immunotoxicity associated with exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) or perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). Go

Progestogens & Adverse Health Outcomes

Scoping review to systematically identify and categorize evidence of prenatal exposure to progestogens and adverse health outcomes. Go

Sarin: Long-Term Neurological Effects

Systematic review to evaluate the evidence of long-term neurological effects in humans following acute, sub-lethal exposure to sarin. Go

Traffic-related Air Pollution & Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Systematic review of emerging children's health issues associated with ambient air pollution. Go

Transgenerational Inheritance of Health Effects

Scoping review to examine the evidence for transgenerational inheritance of health effects associated with exposure to a wide range of stressors. Go