Presentations at SOT 2025
Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology
March 16-20 – Orlando, FL, USA
View meeting information on the SOT website
Continuing Education Courses
Separate registration required – view more information on the SOT website
AM04: Key Considerations of NAM Development for Global Regulatory Harmonization
Sunday, March 16, 8:15 a.m.-12 noon
Emily Reinke, Inotiv (contractor supporting NICEATM), is course chair.
Presentation: Validation under the new and improved OECD GD34
Author: Nicole Kleinstreuer, NIEHS/NICEATM
Presentation: From IATA case study to defined approach--leveraging the OECD test guideline program
Author: Charles Kovatch, EPA
AM07: Fit-for-Purpose Methods to Fulfill 21st Century Chemical Risk Assessment
Sunday, March 16, 8:15 a.m.-12 noon
Anna Lowit, EPA, is course co-chair.
Presentation: Fundamental principles: overview of risk assessment and hazard assessment
Author: Anna Lowit, EPA
Presentation: Agrochemical risk assessment
Author: Cecilia Tan, EPA
PM09: Physiologically Based Kinetic Modeling Made Simple: A Nonprogrammer's Guide to Chemical Risk Assessment
Sunday, March 16, 1:15-5:00 p.m.
Cecilia Tan, EPA, is course co-chair.
Presentation: Understanding the fundamentals of physiologically based kinetic modeling and breaking down the coding barrier
Author: Cecilia Tan, EPA
Presentation: Tools to facilitate high-throughput PBPK modeling for various exposure scenarios
Author: Xiaoqing Chang, Inotiv (contractor supporting NICEATM)
PM11: Tackling Risk Communication Challenges: Lessons from Expert Voices and Case Studies
Sunday, March 16, 1:15-5:00 p.m.
Anna Lowit, EPA, is course co-chair.
PM12: Utilizing New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for Regulatory Assessment of Developmental Neurotoxicity: Progress and Prospects
Sunday, March 16, 1:15-5:00 p.m.
Helena Hogberg, NIEHS/NICEATM, is course co-chair.
Presentation: Developmental neurotoxicity screening efforts in a battery of new approach methodologies to reduce uncertainty for regulatory application
Author: Helena Hogberg, NIEHS/NICEATM
Presentation: A machine-learning approach for developmental neurotoxicity: promise and limitations of integrating multidimensional in vitro data streams
Author: Kelly Carstens, EPA
NICEATM Presentations
NICEATM group member names are indicated in boldface in author lists.
Poster Session: Computational Toxicology I
Monday, March 17, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3382/Poster J513: Democratizing cheminformatics: case studies using the MoVIZ pipeline for automated chemical grouping and toxicological insights
Authors: Ranganath D, Moreira-Filho JT, Collins BJ, Waidyanatha S, Casey W, Kleinstreuer N, Mansouri K
Poster Session: Developmental and Juvenile Toxicology
Monday, March 17, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3519/Poster N672: Inhibitors of Cytochrome P450 26A1 identified from screening the Tox21 10K compound library
Authors: Sakamuru S, Sukhawanit R, Wood S, Huang R, Klumpp-Thomas C, Simeonov A, Kleinstreuer N, Knudsen TB, Xia M
Abstract 3527/Poster N680: Understanding the range of phenotypic responses for the embryonic zebrafish developmental toxicity assay
Authors: Hill B, Hamm J, Hsieh J, Reinke E, Hogberg HT, Ryan K
Symposium Session: Qualifying NAMs for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity: Advancements and Pitfalls
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:30 p.m. – Room W304A
Helena Hogberg (NIEHS/NICEATM) is session chair.
Xiaoqing Chang (Inotiv, contractor supporting NICEATM) is session co-chair.
Presenter: Hogberg H
Abstract 1103: DeTox: An in silico alternative to animal testing for predicting developmental toxicity potential
Author: Tieghi R
Abstract 1105: In vitro to in vivo extrapolation application for assessing developmental neurotoxicity
Author: Kreutz A
Poster Session: Animal Models
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3022/Poster A123: Quantifying the reproducibility and variability of in vivo guideline toxicology studies
Authors: Kreutz A, Karmaus A, Oyetade O, Paul Friedman K, Allen D, Reinke E, Paparella M, Kleinstreuer N
Poster Session: Skin
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3123/Poster D235: Evaluation and comparison of in vitro permeation testing (IVPT) and barrier function in alternative skin models and excised human skin
Authors: Modaresi S, Salminen AT, Davis KJ, Felton RP, Sun J, Beland FA, Derr K, Brown PC, Ferrer M, Katz LM, Kleinstreuer NC, Leshin J, Manga P, Sadrieh N, Xia M, Fitzpatrick SC, Camacho L
Poster Session: New Approach Methods: Computational
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3559/Poster N713: Data-driven derivation of an adverse outcome pathway linking vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR), endocrine disruption, and atherosclerosis
Authors: Ehrlich D, Krishna S, Kleinstreuer N
Workshop Session: Navigating CNS Toxicity Prediction: Insights from Case Studies on Preclinical and Clinical Correlations
Tuesday, March 18, 8:00-10:45 a.m. – Room W206A
Abstract 1172: Integrated approaches to testing and assessment case study of mifepristone to determine developmental neurotoxic potential
Author: Hogberg H
Poster Session: Computational Toxicology II
Tuesday, March 18, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4047/Poster J541: Automating data extraction from scientific literature and general PDF files using large language models and KNIME: An application in toxicology
Authors: Moreira-Filho J, Ranganath D, Tieghi R, Patton R, Sutherland V, Schmitt C, Rooney A, Walker V, Fostel J, Saddler T, Reif D, Mansouri K, Kleinstreuer N
Poster Session: Skin Sensitization
Tuesday, March 18, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3839/Poster F315: Using ML for human skin sensitization prediction - a novel in silico tool using HPPT data
Authors: Scheufen Tieghi R, Moreira-Filho J, Martin H, Wellnitz J, Otoch MC, Rath M, Tropsha A, Muratov E, Kleinstreuer N
Abstract 3850/Poster F326: Web application to classify and subcategorize skin sensitizers using human data
Authors: Unnikrishnan A, To K, Herzler M, Germolec D, Reinke E, Kleinstreuer N
Poster Session: Risk Assessment III
Wednesday, March 19, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4774/Poster L620: Class-based hazard and dose-response assessment of polyhalogenated organophosphate flame retardants
Authors: Haber L, Bradley MA, Martin EM, Snow SJ, Robertson JM, Fies W, Borrel A, Reinke E, Bevington C, Gordon J, Cho T, Hooker E, Hatlelid K
Workshop Session: How Can We Use Alternative Approaches to Move Safety Evaluation of Medical Devices Forward?
Wednesday, March 19, 1:30-4:15 p.m. – Room W204A
Abstract 1299: Building and applying high-confidence computational models in med tech
Author: Kleinstreuer N
Poster Session: Neurotoxicity: General
Wednesday, March 19, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4629/Poster J465: Development of a high-throughput assay platform for neuroinflammation detection using iPSC-derived microglia
Authors: Yang S, Knudsen T, Carstens K, Hogberg HT, Xia M
Poster Session: Carcinogenesis
Wednesday, March 19, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4698/Poster J536: Mapping ToxCast/Tox21 high-throughput screening assay endpoints to key characteristics of carcinogens
Authors: Cuomo D, Karmaus A, Hill B, Feshuk M, Osborne G, Blake B, Druwe I, Wang A, Rigutto G, McHale C, Smith MT, Facchin C, De Conti A, Madia F, Kleinstreuer N, Chiu WA, Borrel A
Workshop Session: Computational Dynamic Systems Models for Predictive Hazard Assessment
Thursday, March 20, 8:30-11:00 a.m. – Room W304E
Abstract 1325: Advancing one health preparedness: integrating computational dynamic and kinetic systems models into regulatory frameworks
Author: Kleinstreuer N
Platform Session: Rise of the Models: Machine Learning and Quantitative Analysis
Thursday, March 20, 8:30-11:00 a.m. – Room W205A
Abstract 2058: Systemic and topical toxicity (STOPTOX) predictor: model development and external validation
Authors: Tropsha A, Muratov E, Kleinstreuer N
Abstract 2061: Multiscale risk characterization of chemical cardiotoxicity: integrated in vitro and in silico multiscale modeling reveals cardiovascular risk from chemical exposures
Authors: Krishna S, Chang X, Eccles K, Messier K, Kleinstreuer N
Poster Session: Late-breaking 5
Thursday, March 20, 8:30-11:30 a.m. – W Hall A4
Abstract 5215/Poster LB316: A machine learning approach for predicting inhalation acute toxicity (LC50) values of chemicals using a two-stage regression model
Authors: Chen Y, Salazar K, Mansouri K, Kleinstreuer N
ICCVAM Committee Member Presentations
ICCVAM Committee member names are indicated in boldface in author lists.
Symposium Session: Evolution of Human Health Risk Assessment: New Science and Approaches That Are Ready for Primetime
Monday, March 17, 9:15 a.m.-12:00 noon – Room W202A
Abstract 1023: Development of a new US EPA human health assessment product using transcriptomics and short-term in vivo studies
Author: Harrill A
Poster Session: Food Safety/Nutrition
Monday, March 17, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3181/Poster F300: Consideration of dermal studies for safety evaluation of food contact substance (FCS) impurities, triethanolamine (TEA), trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TMPTA), and diethanolamine (DEA)
Authors: Camacho JA, Santillo MF, Patton G, Kabadi SV
Poster Session: Computational Toxicology I
Monday, March 17, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3375/Poster J506: In vitro profiling of cosmetic ingredients within the Tox21 10K compound library for bioactivity and potential toxicity
Authors: Kruger L, Ngan K, Xu T, Xia M, Simeonov A, Huang R
Abstract 3382/Poster J513: Democratizing cheminformatics: case studies using the MoVIZ pipeline for automated chemical grouping and toxicological insights
Authors: Ranganath D, Moreira-Filho JT, Collins BJ, Waidyanatha S, Casey W, Kleinstreuer N, Mansouri K
Abstract 3391/Poster J522: Prediction of ocular toxicity using machine learning models
Authors: Xu R, Xu T, Zhao J, Xia M, Simeonov A, Huang R
Abstract 3392/Poster J523: Prediction of chemical-induced acute toxicity using in vitro assay data and chemical structure
Authors: Luo X, Xu T, Ngan DK, Xia M, Zhao J, Sakamuru A, Simeonov A, Huang R
Abstract 3394/Poster J525: Application of cytochrome P450 enzyme assays to predict compounds that require metabolic activation
Authors: Ngan DK, Sakamuru A, Zhao J, Xia M, Ferguson SS, Reif DM, Simeonov A, Huang R
Abstract 3405/Poster J536: Machine learning models to predict potential thyroid hormone disruptors for chemical risk assessment
Authors: Hou S, Ji C, Ruiz P
Poster Session: Air Pollution Toxicology
Monday, March 17, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3457/Poster K590: Characterization of PFAS-containing aqueous film-forming foams and their thermal degradation products: Implication for human and environmental health
Authors: Bhandari S, Biswas K, Bello A, Ross M, Wang C, Liu P, HewaSahabanduge C, Stueckle T, Bello D
Poster Session: Respiratory Toxicology I
Monday, March 17, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3477/Poster L610: Whole body inhalation of polycarbonate emissions generated during 3D-printing process alters metabolism and redox status in rat liver
Authors: Bodas M, Guppi S, Mandler K, McKinney W, Knepp AK, Keeley S, Battelli L, Qian Y, Stueckle TA
Poster Session: Developmental and Juvenile Toxicology
Monday, March 17, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3519/Poster N672: Inhibitors of Cytochrome P450 26A1 identified from screening the Tox21 10K compound library
Authors: Sakamuru S, Sukhawanit R, Wood S, Huang R, Klumpp-Thomas C, Simeonov A, Kleinstreuer N, Knudsen TB, Xia M
Abstract 3534/Poster N687: Identifying Wnt/β-catenin signaling modulators using a quantitative high-throughput screen
Authors: Chen X, Sukhawanit R, Wood S, Sakamuru S, Yang S, Huang R, Klumpp-Thomas C, Simeonov A, Xia M
Informational Session: Accelerating Acceptance of New Approach Methodologies for Respiratory Toxicology Through Standardization Efforts
Monday, March 17, 12:10-1:40 p.m. – Room W206A
Monique Perron (EPA) is on the discussion panel.
Platform Session: Liver Let Live: Use Your Mechanism I
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:30 p.m. – Room W206A
Abstract 2014: Hepatic micropatterned co-culture in vitro models for the evaluation of DILI
Authors: Geriesh S, Li L, Heyward S, Gaffney J, Cottier K, Chen M, Sadrieh N, Wang H
Poster Session: Animal Models
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3022/Poster A123: Quantifying the reproducibility and variability of in vivo guideline toxicology studies
Authors: Kreutz A, Karmaus A, Oyetade O, Paul Friedman K, Allen D, Reinke E, Paparella M, Kleinstreuer N
Poster Session: Skin
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3123/Poster D235: Evaluation and comparison of in vitro permeation testing (IVPT) and barrier function in alternative skin models and excised human skin
Authors: Modaresi S, Salminen AT, Davis KJ, Felton RP, Sun J, Beland FA, Derr K, Brown PC, Ferrer M, Katz LM, Kleinstreuer NC, Leshin J, Manga P, Sadrieh N, Xia M, Fitzpatrick SC, Camacho L
Poster Session: Regulation/Policy
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3134/Poster D247: Evaluating safety of a food contact substance impurity, 1,8-naphthalenediamine based on published toxicity data on a structural analog
Authors: Rattan S, Alexander AK, Kabadi SV, Cheng T
Poster Session: New Approach Methods: In Vitro I
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3207/Poster G332: An accurate method based on ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry for the quantification of five cannabinoids in juvenile and adult Caenorhabditis elegans matrices
Authors: Sepehr E, Zhao Y, Vaught C, Camacho JA, Welch B, Yourick J, Sprando RL, Hunt PR
Abstract 3216/Poster G341: Microphysiological systems as predictive tools for kidney nephrotoxicants: A comparison across four platforms
Authors: Sakolish C, Moyer H, Barlow N, Roe H, Tsai H, Ford L, Bajaj P, Villenave R, Ferguson S, Stanko J, Hewitt P, Baltazar M, Rusyn I
Abstract 3218/Poster G343: Effect of peracetic acid vapor on THP-1 macrophages in an air-liquid-interface culture
Authors: Thompson JA, Stueckle TA, Boots T, Sinsel EW, McKinney W, Johnston RA
Poster Session: Bioinformatics
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3250/Poster G376: An analytical framework to optimize transcriptomic dose-response modeling for use in regulatory assessments
Authors: Everett LJ, Wehmas L, Vitense K, Davidson-Fritz S, Lambert J, Cowden J, Hughes MF, Harrill A, Mutlu E, Auerbach S, DeVito M, Thomas R
Poster Session: PFAS I
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3306/Poster J436: Genome-scale metabolic modeling predicts PFAS-mediated early perturbations in liver metabolism
Authors: Hari A, Balik-Meisner MR, Mav D, Phadke DP, Scholl EH, Shah RR, Casey W, Auerbach SS, Wallqvist A, Pannala VR
Abstract 3313/Poster J443: Does 3D microtissue biomass alter hepatocellular modeling of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) toxicity?
Authors: Qu W, Liu J, Waidyanatha S, Stiffler B, Ferguson S
Abstract 3314/Poster J444: Unraveling human hepatocellular responses to PFAS and aqueous film-forming foams (AFFFs)
Authors: Ferguson S, Mauge-Lewis KA, Ramaiahgari SC, Auerbach SS, Roberts GK, Waidyanatha S, Fenton SE, Phadke DP, Balik-Meisner MR, Tandon A, Mav D, Howard B, Shah R, Sparrow B, Gorospe J
Poster Session: New Approach Methods: Computational
Monday, March 17, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3559/Poster N713: Data-driven derivation of an adverse outcome pathway linking vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR), endocrine disruption, and atherosclerosis
Authors: Ehrlich D, Krishna S, Kleinstreuer N
Abstract 3567/Poster N721: AI-driven 3D image analysis of liver spheroids integrated with transcriptomics for toxicology assessment
Authors: Oktay AB, Tandon A, Howard BE, Balik-Meisner MR, Phadke DP, Mav D, Green AJ, Pearson A, Ferguson SS, Shah RR
Workshop Session: Micro- and Nanoplastics: Lessons Learned from Nanotoxicology
Tuesday, March 18, 8:00-10:45 a.m. – Room W205A
Todd Stueckle (NIOSH) is session co-chair.
Poster Session: Metals I
Tuesday, March 18, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3726/Poster C189: Profiling of environmental heavy metal compound mixtures for their carcinogenicity and mechanism of action
Authors: Ooka M, Zhao J, Zhang L, Huang R, Sakamuru S, Hsieh J, Collins B, Dunnick J, Dixon D, Xia M
Poster Session: Computational Toxicology II
Tuesday, March 18, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4047/Poster J541: Automating data extraction from scientific literature and general PDF files using large language models and KNIME: An application in toxicology
Authors: Moreira-Filho J, Ranganath D, Tieghi R, Patton R, Sutherland V, Schmitt C, Rooney A, Walker V, Fostel J, Saddler T, Reif D, Mansouri K, Kleinstreuer N
Poster Session: ADME/Toxicokinetics
Tuesday, March 18, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4065/Poster K564: Determining species-specific half-lives for all 209 PCB congeners through a Bayesian hierarchical framework and QSAR modeling
Authors: Zurlinden TJ, Chiang C, Pradeep P, Patlewicz G, Judson R, Dzierlenga M, Kapraun K, Schlosser P, Christensen K, Lehmann G
Poster Session: Genotoxicity/DNA Repair
Tuesday, March 18, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4101/Poster L603: Establishing TK6 cells co-expressing multiple human cytochrome P450s for genotoxicity testing
Authors: Li X, He X, Chen S, Xu H, Guo X, Manjanatha MG, Mei N
Symposium Session: Assessing the Metabolic Competence of In Vitro Models and Their Applicability in Regulatory Toxicology
Tuesday, March 18, 11:00 a.m-12:30 p.m. – Room W304E
Abstract 1175: Regulatory challenges and opportunities in assessing metabolic competence of in vitro systems
Author: Casey W
Education-Career Development Session: Bridging the Gap and Paving the Way for Future Leaders in Toxicology
Tuesday, March 18, 11:00 a.m.-12:20 p.m. – Room W307A
Presentation: Leadership at the confluence of science and government
Author: Lowit A
Symposium Session: Reproductive and Endocrine-Disrupting Effects of Legacy and Emerging PFAS and Their Mixtures
Tuesday, March 18, 1:00-2:30 p.m. – Room W307A
Abstract 1202: Evaluation of PFAS effects on nuclear receptors, pathways, and cytochrome p450 enzymes using Tox21 screening data
Author: Xia M
Workshop Session: Applying Fit-for-Purpose Study Design to Build Confidence in NAM Use
Tuesday, March 18, 1:00-2:30 p.m. – Room W307A
Abstract 1207: New approach methods for evaluation of developmental neurotoxicity: Fit-for-purpose analysis approaches in a multidimensional data landscape
Author: Carstens K
Poster Session: Skin Sensitization
Tuesday, March 18, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3839/Poster F315: Using ML for human skin sensitization prediction - a novel in silico tool using HPPT data
Authors: Scheufen Tieghi R, Moreira-Filho J, Martin H, Wellnitz J, Otoch MC, Rath M, Tropsha A, Muratov E, Kleinstreuer N
Abstract 3850/Poster F326: Web application to classify and subcategorize skin sensitizers using human data
Authors: Unnikrishnan A, To K, Herzler M, Germolec D, Reinke E, Kleinstreuer N
Poster Session: PFAS II
Tuesday, March 18, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 3944/Poster J432: Effects of PFAS mixtures exposure on 3D human liver microtissues: A toxicity evaluation using in vitro markers
Authors: Liu J, Rider C, Waidyanatha S, Qu W, Dunlap P, Roberts G, Ferguson S
Poster Session: Nanotoxicology: In Vitro
Tuesday, March 18, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4124/Poster L626: Exposure and in vitro hazard characterization of microplastic dusts released from machining of boron nitride nanotube-enabled composites along its lifecycle
Authors: Stueckle TA, Kim SH, Afshari A, Guppi S, Bunker K, Lersch T, Casuccio G, Friend S, Erdely A, Lee EG
Roundtable Session: Is It Time to Right-Size Systematic Review?
Tuesday, March 18, 4:30-5:50 p.m. – Room W206A
Anna Lowit (EPA) is session co-chair.
Presentation: Moving toward fit-for-purpose systematic review approaches
Author: Perron M
Workshop Session: Global Implications of the Changing EU Expectations on Dose-Level Setting in Reproductive and Developmental Studies
Wednesday, March 19, 8:00-10:45 a.m. – Room W206A
Abstract 1258: A weight of evidence approach to inform dose setting
Author: Tan C
Poster Session: Liver: In Vitro
Wednesday, March 19, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4501/Poster G334: Human pregnane X receptor antagonist identification employing a high-throughput screen
Authors: Lynch C, Sakamuru S, Travers J, Zhao T, Klumpp-Thomas C, Huang R, Xia M
Abstract 4504/Poster G337: Comparative analysis of species-specific hepatocyte function and drug effects in a liver microphysiological system PhysioMimix LC12 and 96-well plates
Authors: Negi CK, Sakolish S, Ferguson S, Villenave R, Hewitt P, Rusyn I
Abstract 4517/Poster G350: Differential toxicity of regorafenib in primary human hepatocytes maintained in sandwich culture and in a commercial liver-on-a-chip system
Authors: Yeilsey DJ, Shi Q, Schnackenberg LK, Ren L, Papineau KS, Oliphant JJ, Avigan MI, Brown PC, Davis-Bruno KL, Moulin F, Costa GG, Patterson TA, Sadrieh N
Poster Session: Epidemiology and Public Health
Wednesday, March 19, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4574/Poster H410: Serum per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and lipids: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Authors: Ji C, Ruiz P
Poster Session: Risk Assessment III
Wednesday, March 19, 9:15-11:45 a.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4774/Poster L620: Class-based hazard and dose-response assessment of polyhalogenated organophosphate flame retardants
Authors: Haber L, Bradley MA, Martin EM, Snow SJ, Robertson JM, Fies W, Borrel A, Reinke E, Bevington C, Gordon J, Cho T, Hooker E, Hatlelid K
Workshop Session: How Can We Use Alternative Approaches to Move Safety Evaluation of Medical Devices Forward?
Wednesday, March 19, 1:30-4:15 p.m. – Room W204A
Abstract 1299: Building and applying high-confidence computational models in med tech
Author: Kleinstreuer N
Poster Session: Mixtures
Wednesday, March 19, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Stephen Ferguson (NIEHS) is session chair.
Abstract 4570/Poster H405: Characterizing individual and mixtures-based chemical contributions to wildfire smoke toxicity through in vitro transcriptomics screening
Authors: Miller SL, Hickman E, Kim YH, Rider C, Reif DM, Jaspers I, Rebuli ME, Rager JE
Poster Session: Neurotoxicity: General
Wednesday, March 19, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4615/Poster J451: MT1-G activation for identifying chemical chelators causing cytotoxicity of human dopaminergic neurons
Authors: Tong ZB, Huang R, Sakamuru S, Xia M, Simeonov A, Gerhold DL
Abstract 4629/Poster J465: Development of a high-throughput assay platform for neuroinflammation detection using iPSC-derived microglia
Authors: Yang S, Knudsen T, Carstens K, Hogberg HT, Xia M
Poster Session: Neurotoxicity: Developmental II
Wednesday, March 19, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4650/Poster J487: Leveraging the developmental neurotoxicity in vitro battery to contextualize in vivo apical observations
Authors: Jackson BL, Wu Y, Schlosser C, Hofstra A, Minnema L, Fritsche E, Klose J, Shafer T, Carstens K, Karmaus A
Abstract 4663/Poster J500: RosetteArray platform for quantitative high-throughput screening of human developmental neurotoxicity and neurodevelopmental disorder risk factors
Authors: Lundin B, Knight G, Fedorchak N, Krucki K, Birtele M, Iyer N, Robinson J, Iskandar B, Quadrato G, Carstens K, Willett R, Ashton R
Poster Session: Carcinogenesis
Wednesday, March 19, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4698/Poster J536: Mapping ToxCast/Tox21 high-throughput screening assay endpoints to key characteristics of carcinogens
Authors: Cuomo D, Karmaus A, Hill B, Feshuk M, Osborne G, Blake B, Druwe I, Wang A, Rigutto G, McHale C, Smith MT, Facchin C, De Conti A, Madia F, Kleinstreuer N, Chiu WA, Borrel A
Abstract 4707/Poster J545: Establishing a non-linear cancer mode of action for di-isononyl phthalate
Authors: Luz A, Corton C, Allran J, Beachum C, Lowit A
Poster Session: Systems Biology and Translational Toxicology
Wednesday, March 19, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4779/Poster L626: Uncovering genetic susceptibility to retene in zebrafish through genome-wide association study
Authors: Perone DM, Dickey AN, Truong L, Corliss BA, Reif DM, Wright FA, Tanguay RL
Poster Session: New Approach Methods: General
Wednesday, March 19, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4819/Poster N673: 5-fluorouracil, hydroxyurea, and ribavirin induce both irreversible and reversible developmental effects in Caenorhabditis elegans
Authors: Hunt PR, Ferguson M, Olejnik N, Fitzpatrick SC, Yourick J, Sprando RL
Abstract 4829/Poster N683: Implementation of the new EPA Transcriptomics Assessment Product (ETAP) for data poor chemicals
Authors: Mutlu E, Everett L, Wehmas L, DeVito M, Harrill A, Linnenbrink M, Watkins A, Weitekamp C, Thomas R
Abstract 4830/Poster N684: Comparison of noncancerous dose-response values for organohalogen flame retardants using traditional animal toxicological and NAMs data
Authors: Robertson J, Snow SJ, Martin EM, Haber L, Bradley MA, Hatlelid K, Bevington C, Gordon J, Cho T, Hooker E
Poster Session: Natural Products
Wednesday, March 19, 1:45-4:15 p.m. – W Hall A2
Abstract 4853/Poster N708: An evaluation of the toxic norditerpenoid alkaloid content of Delphinium species and their toxicities in a murine model
Authors: Welch K, Gardner D, Cook D, Lee S, Stonecypher C, Green B
Workshop Session: Computational Dynamic Systems Models for Predictive Hazard Assessment
Thursday, March 20, 8:30-11:15 a.m. – Room W304E
Abstract 1325: Advancing one health preparedness: integrating computational dynamic and kinetic systems models into regulatory frameworks
Author: Kleinstreuer N
Platform Session: Rise of the Models: Machine Learning and Quantitative Analysis
Thursday, March 20, 8:30-11:00 a.m. – Room W205A
Abstract 2058: Systemic and topical toxicity (STOPTOX) predictor: model development and external validation
Authors: Tropsha A, Muratov E, Kleinstreuer N
Abstract 2060: Quantitative and qualitative concordance between clinical and nonclinical toxicity data
Authors: Weitekamp CA, Paul Friedman K, Auerbach S, Bandele O, Barton-Maclaren TS, Fitzpatrick S, Long AS, Lowit A, Mezencev R, Perron M, Preito P, Rasenberg M, Santillo M, Simanainen U, Smith D, Whelan M, White P, Yozzo K, Harrill AH, Thomas RS
Abstract 2061: Multiscale risk characterization of chemical cardiotoxicity: integrated in vitro and in silico multiscale modeling reveals cardiovascular risk from chemical exposures
Authors: Krishna S, Chang X, Eccles K, Messier K, Kleinstreuer N
Satellite Meetings
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard and Associated Biological Activity and Hazard Data
Thursday, March 20 - 10:30-4:30 p.m. - Room W104A
Organized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Event is free but registration is required.
The session will provide an in-depth demonstration on EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (CCD) with a focus on the CCD’s Bioactivity and Hazard Tabs, as well as the underlying data resources populating those tabs, ToxCast’s invitroDB, the Toxicity Value Database, and Toxicity Reference Database. Attendees will learn how to access and interpret the data available through the CCD as well as other means such as EPA’s CompTox and Exposure APIs, software packages, and databases. Featured EPA experts will be available for one-on-one demonstrations and to answer questions about using the CCD and data resources.
21st Century Toxicology – Updates and News
Thursday, March 20 - 12:30-4:30 p.m. - Room W102A
Organized by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing and Humane Society International/Animal-free Safety Assessment Collaboration
Event is free but registration is required. Draft agenda includes updates from NICEATM, three ICCVAM member agencies, and representatives from International Cooperation on Alternative Text Methods participating regions.