Musculoskeletal System

Skeletal Muscle - Hemorrhage

    <p>Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. Free erythrocytes are present adjacent to and between muscle bundles.</p>

    Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. Free erythrocytes are present adjacent to and between muscle bundles.

    <p>Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. Erythrocytes and circulating leukocytes are present surrounding individual muscle fibers.</p>

    Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. Erythrocytes and circulating leukocytes are present surrounding individual muscle fibers.

    <p>Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a female B6C3F1/N mouse from a chronic study. In this longitudinal section, erythrocytes are present between muscle fibers.</p>

    Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a female B6C3F1/N mouse from a chronic study. In this longitudinal section, erythrocytes are present between muscle fibers.

    <p>Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. Large lakes of erythrocytes surround a large bundle of muscle fibers, some of which are fragmented.</p>

    Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. Large lakes of erythrocytes surround a large bundle of muscle fibers, some of which are fragmented.

    <p>Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. Macrophages containing golden-brown pigment are present within a region of chronic hemorrhage.</p>

    Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. Macrophages containing golden-brown pigment are present within a region of chronic hemorrhage.

    <p>Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study (higher magnification of Figure 5). There are hemosiderin-laden macrophages within a region of chronic hemorrhage.</p>

    Skeletal muscle - Hemorrhage in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study (higher magnification of Figure 5). There are hemosiderin-laden macrophages within a region of chronic hemorrhage.


    Torrie A. Crabbs, DVM, DACVP
    Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc.
    Research Triangle Park, NC  


    Philip H. Long, DVM, PhD, DACVP
    Presiden and Senior Pathologist
    Vet Path Services, Inc.
    Mason, OH

    Amy Brix, DVM, PhD, DACVP
    Senior Pathologist
    Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc.
    Research Triangle Park, NC

    Robert R. Maronpot, DVM, MS, MPH, DACVP, DABT, FIATP
    Senior Pathologist
    Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc.
    Research Triangle Park, NC