Special Senses System
Eye, Retina - Degeneration
Mild retinal degeneration (Figure 2, compare to Figure 1) typically consists of loss of the rod and cone photoreceptor processes, apoptosis of outer nuclear layer photoreceptor cells, hypocellularity and disorganization of the inner and outer nuclear layers, and narrowing or absence of the plexiform layers. More pronounced retinal degeneration (Figure 3, compare to Figure 1) is typically characterized by overall thinning, architectural disruption, and loss of cellular elements, as well as complete absence of the rod and cone photoreceptors and the plexiform layers. Degenerate retinas may also exhibit other morphologic features, such as diffuse or nodular proliferation of retinal glial cells (e.g., Müller cells and astrocytes), fixed fold and rosette-like formations, and intraretinal cavitations or cysts ("microcystoid" formation and retinoschisis), as well as concurrent proliferation and/or intraretinal migration of the adjacent retinal pigment epithelium.
Rats and mice can also exhibit an incidental aging change known as peripheral retinal degeneration ( and , compare to ), which is characterized by marked thinning of the peripheral retina due to hypocellularity or absence of retinal layers. Although not illustrated, cystic cavitations ("microcystoid" change) are also common features of this peripheral age-related degeneration.
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Eye, Retina - Degeneration in a male F344/N rat from a chronic study. Mild retinal degeneration, featuring loss of rod and cone photoreceptor processes, single-cell necrosis of outer nuclear layer photoreceptor cells, hypocellularity and disorganization of the inner and outer nuclear layers, and narrowing or absence of the plexiform layers.