Urinary System
Kidney, Renal Tubule - Hyperplasia, Amphophilic-Vacuolar
Frazier KS, Seely JC, Hard GC, Betton G, Burnett R, Nakatsuji S, Nishikawa A, Durchfeld-Meyer B, Bube A. 2012. Proliferative and non-proliferative lesions in the rat and mouse urinary system. Toxicol Pathol 40:14S-86S.
Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22637735Hard GC, Seely JC, Kissling GE, Betz LJ. 2012. Spontaneous occurrence of a distinctive renal tubule phenotype in rat carcinogenicity studies conducted by the National Toxicology Program. Toxicol Pathol 36:388-396.
Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18441261Kudo K, Hoshiya T, Nakazawa T, Saito T, Shimoyama N, Suzuki I, Tamura K, Seely JC. 2012. Spontaneous renal tumors suspected of being familial in Sprague-Dawley rats. J Toxicol Pathol 25:277-280.
Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3517924/Kidney, Renal tubule - Hyperplasia, Amphophilic-vacuolar in a female F344/N rat from a chronic study. There is a small focus of hyperplastic tubule cells with amphophilic and vacuolated cytoplasm.